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Four-Square-Cipher Public🎓 2nd year Data Structures and Algorithms project. Application takes in a file and encrypts it using the Four Square Cipher. The file is first "put" into one massive string. This string is then spl…
Group-Notes-Application Public🎓 3rd year Professional Practice in IT project. For this module, we were tasked with coming up with and developing an application as group. We were also asked to provide weekly updates to our super…
TypeScript 1
Applied-Project-and-Minor-Dissertation Public🎓 4th year Applied Project and Minor Dissertation project. React app that visualizes various different pathfinding, sorting, etc. algorithms. Supervisor for this project was @mkenirons
Asynchronous-Language-Detection Public🎓 4th year Advanced Object Oriented Programming project. A web-based service capable of identifying the language classification of a submitted body of text. The OutOfPlaceMetric is used to compare …
Language-Detection-Neural-Network-Spring- Public🎓 4th year Artificial Intelligence project. Using the Encog library, it uses vector hashing in conjunction with K-Fold Cross Validation to train a neural network using the WiLI Language Dataset. Th…
Recognition-of-hand-written-digits-using-the-MNIST-dataset Public🎓 4th year Emerging Technologies project. This project concerns the well-known MNIST dataset and the Python packages keras, flask, and jupyter. This application contains a model that recognises hand…
Jupyter Notebook
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