All backups will go to a single blob storage account ([](500 TB limit)). Each source account will have a matching Blob Container in the Backup Account.
- Create a Resource Group called "blob-storage-backups"
- Create a uniquely named Blob Storage Account. Be mindful of region.
In the portal, create an Automation Account and call it "blob-storage-backups". Assign it to the Resourge Group "blob-storage-backups"
In the Automation account, go to the Modules section and Import.
- Locate the zip files in scripts/modules
- Upload each file to the Automation Account's Modules
The Modules will be unpacked and made available (2-3 minutes).
Create the following automation variables, setting the value to the Backup Account
- [String] BackupStorageAccountName - The Name of the Backup Acccount
- [String] BackupResourceGroupName - The resource group that the Backup Account belongs to
In the Automation Account, import the ps1 files in scripts/runbooks as Runbooks.
- Using Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer or the Portal, locate the Backup Account
- Identify the target location you'd like to restore from the Backup Account
- Choose the Restore Point, e.g. "account/daily/2017-01-17_13:30:00" to input as the parameter "RestorePoint" to the "BlobStorageBackup-Restore" Runbook
- Executing the restore will overwrite any matching blobs.