172 commits
to master
since this release
- micronaut: bump to Micronaut 4 (#371) #371 (Loïc Mathieu)
- encrypt the ECR auth token by default #373 (Loïc Mathieu)
- s3: support multiple upload on s3 (Ludovic DEHON)
- use the AWS lib version from the Micronaut BOM (Loïc Mathieu)
Bug Fixes
- trigger: allow 'NONE' action (#353) #353 (brian-mulier-p)
- docs: correct s3 create bucket flow example #357 (Shruti Mantri)
- example: correct the task example for AWS Kinesis #361 (Shruti Mantri)
- example: correct the task example for AWS Lambda #362 (Shruti Mantri)
- docs: add information on how to setup credentials for AWS #356 (Shruti Mantri)
- Micronaut BOM scope (Loïc Mathieu)
- version: update snapshot version 'v0.15.0-SNAPSHOT'. (Ludovic DEHON)
- deps: bump some gh actions (Ludovic DEHON)
- deps: bump com.github.ben-manes.versions from 0.50.0 to 0.51.0 (Ludovic DEHON)
- upgrade to Micronaut 4.3 (Loïc Mathieu)
- Upgrade aws-crt to 0.29.10 (Loïc Mathieu)
- update LocalStack and testcontainers (Loïc Mathieu)
- disable SQS test for now as there is an issue with LocalStack (Loïc Mathieu)
- deps: update micronaut & gradle (Ludovic DEHON)
- deps: upgrade java deps (#386) #386 (YannC)
- version: update to version 'v0.15.0'. (YannC)