This step is only required the very first time.
yarn run build
yarn run start
Articles are stored in the posts
folder of the specific locale subdirectory (/de/post.md
An article must contain a valid front matter.
- title the title of the blogpost
- description short description (will appear in article preview and as preface on the artile itself)
- date publishing date
- author authors name as listed in the authors collection
- image url to the header image of your article (optional)
- tags list of categories the article belongs to
- translationKey property to determine the corresponding article in another language (optional)
title: My Blogpost
translationKey: my-blbogpost
description: A short description of a really useful blogpost which will definetely blow your mind
date: 2020-09-02
author: Phil Osoph
image: my-awesome-pic.jpg
- ethics
- awesomeness
- mustard
- heroicons
- simpleicons
- svgomg svg minimization
- base64encoder base64 transformation for better yaml storage