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Lab Lunch Group Mutual Fund Mobile Application (powered by Angular.JS)

This a webapp for calculating lunch fund contribution, and also records attendance and lunch fund amount in a spreadsheet hosted on google drive.

Getting Started

The zipball of latest release contains everything you need to deploy the lunchfund app.

First things first, make sure you have Node.js already installed. (

Next, check if the following tools have been installed:

  • bower. To install: npm install -g bower
  • gulp. To install: npm install -g gulp
  • karma-cli. To install: npm install -g karma-cli

Once you have cloned the repository, install the dependencies:

  • bower install
  • npm install

Configure MYSQL and GOOGLE APP credentials by editing routes/config.js. The SQL database must be available before running the lunchfund app. A mysql script to create the initial database is included in lunchfund_init.mysql

To start the server locally in development mode:

  • export the NODE_ENV environment variable to "development". For example, in Windows powershell:

In UNIX: export NODE_ENV="development"

  • Start the node express web server: npm run start

To start the server locally in prooduction mode:

  • Build the distribution files: gulp build
  • export the NODE_ENV environment variable to "production"
  • Start the node express web server: npm run start

To deploy development version to BLUEMIX (Read manifest.yml for deployment details)

  • npm run deploy-dev

To deploy production version to BLUEMIX (Read manifest.dist.yml for deployment details)

  • npm run deploy-prod


  • GOOGLE login authentication
  • MYSQL database to store data entries
  • Alternate backup to GOOGLE spreadsheet
  • Calculate lunch fund automatically using number of attendees and bill amount
  • Stock portfolio management
  • Offline caching for production server


  • Node.js (webserver)
  • gulp (for building the production app)
  • bower (for managing UI dependencies)
  • Angular.js framework
  • Angular Material UI components
  • mySQL database for hosting the lunchfund data
  • google spreadsheet as an alternate backup for lunchfund data
  • GOOGLE sign-on authentication
  • optional deployment to Bluemix
  • karma/jasmine for testing

Why not native app?

Everything we want to accomplish so far can be done via a web app. Some of the more advance features (i.e. face recognition) may require us to implement native code. But until that is implemented, this will remain a web app.

Possible Future Work

  • Build native app (maybe needed for performance anyways)


Found a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!


Testing is performed using Karma and Jasmine. The configuration file is located in karma.conf.js. All the test files are in test directory.

To Start test, first run the production build, as the testcases need access to some of the angular javascripts that are installed in bower_components:

gulp build
karma start


Copyright 2013, 2015 Lunch Fund Group