The worst data format. For me, but not for thee. Inspired by protobuf and Scratch (for Lego-like "programming").
Written in Javascript.
String (cheese???):
@ This is a comment.
@ variable value
uhhuh "string thing"
Numbers? Anyone?:
boatie 9.0
powder 555555
Want a list? Cool:
list whatthefuck
"I love thick thighs, and I cannot lie."
@ Nested, to your likings
@ More "-", more nested YAY!!!
list drugs
- dangerous
-- "cocaine"
-- "gummibar"
@ Usage of "=", Variable.
-- cock = "not really, but you get the idea"
- finery
-- "coca cola"
--- "some people have died due to cock, but that's not coca cola."
-- "shit"
.er .fuckery .doo