See screenshots.
- Theme: Gruvbox Dark & kanagawa
- Font: Fira Code Nerd Font
- WM: bspwm
- Terminal: st fork
- Shell: zsh
- Prompt: pure
- Editor: nvim with tmux
- Compositor: picom fork
- Bar: eww
- Firefox Theme: SimpleFox
- Custom browser startpage
- Lock: slock
- Others: rofi, dunst, zathura, feh, nsxiv, redshift
The setup
script requires stow.
# dry-run
$ ./setup install --simulate
$ ./setup install
The script will:
- Stow all dotfiles
- Copy
- Apply Firefox customizations in
- Copy all
files in./etc/desktop
- Install all neovim plugins
TODO: Install custom st fork.
To run separate stow and unstows:
# dry-run: stow only bspwm
$ ./setup stow --simulate bspwm
# unstow only bspwm
$ ./setup unstow bspwm
All dotfiles must be placed in ./dots/
directory or specify custom directory
with --dots
$ ./setup stow --dots ./foo bspwm
Uninstall will:
- Unstow all dotfiles
- Delete any existing
, Firefox customizations and.desktop
files - Uninstall all neovim plugins
# dry-run
$ ./setup uninstall --simulate
# uninstall all
$ ./setup uninstall
Luke's fork of st for an easy experience. Uses colors from .Xresources
in etc/.Xresources
Make edits to config.h
. Compile and build with sudo make install
Minimal .vimrc config for remote servers
Requires installation of Gruvbox:
git clone ~/.vim/pack/default/start/gruvbox
Two colorschemes are available in the form of .Xresources
To use, copy the .Xresources
file to ~/.Xresources
and replace the
defined path within it. Take care of the username.
Desktop files for rofi access are found in etc/desktop
. Place them at ~/.local/share/applications/