📌 Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Now I am Informatics in Health Researcher at LAIS and Educational Technology Coordinator at IFRN
Specialist in Health Informatics by UFRN (2017). Since 1996 manages and develops solutions in several languages such as Python, PHP, Java, Javascript, Delphi, Flex, C/C++, VB and Clipper, using databases such as PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL, FireBird, Paradox , MS Access, SQLite and DBase. Researcher at UFRN (2015), manages and develops health software likes MOOC, telehealth monitoring, telediagnosis regulation and many others.
- Since 2015 health software researcher.
- Since 2002 software development teams manager.
- Since 1999 web systems developer.
- Since 1996 object-oriented developer.
- Specialization in Health Informatics - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - (2015 – 2017)
- Graduated in Techniques of Analysis and Systems Development - University do Tocantins - (2008 – 2010)