by Keil Miller Jr Keil Miller Jr
mvscomplete is a layout for the AttractMode front end. It was designed because I was seeking a better option than the 161-in-1 multicart for the neo geo. The 161-in-1 multicart has an awful menu, missing games, and a bunch of hacks.
This layout is intended to be displayed at a minimum of VGA resolution (640x480) and will scale gracefully to any higher resolutions, including widescreen resolutions.
- AttractMode compatible device with AttractMode 2.3.0 or greater installed
- Mame/GroovyMame installed with corresponding neogeo roms and bios (to run neo geo games)
You may need to change file paths as necessary if your differs.
- Copy layout files to
- The Helpers module is v1.0.1 REQUIRED for you to install. The layout will not work correctly without it.
- The Shuffle module is v2.1.0 REQUIRED for you to install. The layout will not work correctly without it.
- The Shader module is v1.0.0 RECOMMENDED. Shader module is required if you intend to use crt shaders within the layout.
- The Leap plugin is OPTIONAL. Leap plugin helps to leap over empty filters. Whacky things happen if you have a favorites filter and no roms selected as a favorite!
- The FadeToGame plugin is OPTIONAL. FadeToGame will fade the screen when transitioning to and from a game. Be sure to set "To Game Run Time" to at least 1620 milliseconds if using Navigation Audio in mvscomplete.
- The Randtro intro is OPTIONAL. Select specific or random videos to use as an intro.
- Edit the following files to somewhat match below, or you may use the config menu (tab) inside AttractMode to enter the values. Do not forget to generate the rom index and history index (if being used) from the config menu.
File: $HOME/Apps/AttractModeFE/attract.cfg
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.5.1
display Neo-Geo MVS
layout mvscomplete
romlist mame
in_cycle yes
in_menu yes
sort_by Title
rule Tags contains neogeo
rule Category not_contains Majong
rule Category not_contains Quiz
rule Category not_contains Tabletop
filter All
filter Driving
rule Category contains Driving
filter Fighter
rule Category contains Fighter
filter Favorites
rule Favourite equals 1
filter Maze
rule Category contains Maze
filter Platform
rule Category contains Platform
filter Puzzle
rule Category contains Puzzle
filter Shooter
rule Category contains Shooter
filter Sports
rule Category contains Sports
filter Year
sort_by Year
sound_volume 100
ambient_volume 100
movie_volume 100
custom1 R
custom2 F
screenshot F12
configure Tab
add_favourite LAlt
back Escape
up Up
down Down
select Return
select LControl
prev_game Left
next_game Right
right Joy0 Right
left Joy0 Left
next_display Num1
next_filter LShift
intro Num2
default back exit
default up prev_game
default down next_game
default left prev_display
default right next_display
language en
exit_command exit_command
exit_message Turn off arcade
default_font Arial
font_path /Library/Fonts/;$HOME/Library/Fonts/
screen_saver_timeout 600
displays_menu_exit yes
hide_brackets no
startup_mode default
confirm_favourites no
confirm_exit yes
mouse_threshold 10
joystick_threshold 75
window_mode default
filter_wrap_mode default
track_usage yes
multiple_monitors no
smooth_images yes
selection_max_step 128
selection_speed_ms 40
move_mouse_on_launch no
scrape_snaps yes
scrape_marquees yes
scrape_flyers yes
scrape_wheels yes
scrape_fanart no
scrape_videos no
scrape_overview yes
video_decoder video_decoder
menu_prompt Displays Menu
menu_layout menu_layout
layout_config mvscomplete
param artworkShade 40
param audio
param bloom No
param crtShader Crt Lottes
param favoritesColor 235, 45, 53
param gameTitle Yes
param general
param marqueeOpacity 75
param miniArt Cabinet
param navigationAudio On
param shaders
param videoAudio On
param bloom Yes
param crtShader Crt Lottes
param customVideo
param defaultVideo random
param general
param intro On
param shaders
plugin Sequencer
enabled yes
param delayTime 10
plugin Leap
enabled yes
param exception All
plugin FadeToGame
enabled yes
param fromGameRunTime 500
param toGameRunTime 1620
File: $HOME/Apps/AttractModeFE/emulators/mame.cfg
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.5.1
executable /Applications/mame0200b_macOS/mame64
args [name]
rompath /Applications/mame0200b_macOS/roms
romext .zip;.7z
system Arcade
info_source listxml
import_extras /Applications/mame0200b_macOS/catver.ini;/Applications/mame0200b_macOS/mame0200.xml
nb_mode_wait 1
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork flyer
artwork marquee
artwork snap /Applications/mame0200b_macOS/videosnaps/;/Applications/mame0200b_macOS/snap/
artwork wheel /Applications/mame0200b_macOS/wheels/
Artwork for front end in general can be obtained from the following:
- AntoPISA's progetto-SNAPS MAME Snapshots - Snap for snaps
- Emumovies for videos
- HypserSpin for wheel artwork�s
- PleasureDome for continuously updated torrent packages containing full sets continuously updated.
Artwork for this layout were obtained from the following locations:
Audio for this layout were obtained from the following locations:
- click.wav by airblock
- select.mp3 by killian