##Configurable fluent API for random text generation##
###Basic usage### This library can be used to create random strings, for example for automated key generation.
The simplest way to generate a random string is to use the default library configuration:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator().Configure().Generate()); // BuJZKhWk3BQsA{O1ho-...
The default configuration generates strings using:
- random minimal length (a value between 1 and 250)
- random maximal length (a value between 1 and 250; >= the minimal length)
- an alphabet consisting of
- small characters a-z
- capital characters A-Z
- numbers 0-9
- special symbols .,+-*/!?;:{}()[]%$&~#@|><
Every option can be explicitely set using the fluent API:
- MinLength(int min)
- default is 0, meaning random between 1 and 250
- MaxLength(int max)
- default is 0, meaning random between 1 and 250, but >= MinLength
- IncludeCapitalCharacters(bool yes)
- default is true
- IncludeSmallCharacters(bool yes)
- default is true
- IncludeNumbers(bool yes)
- default is true
- IncludeSpecialCharacters(bool yes)
- default is true
This call:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
is the same as the first example:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator().Configure().Generate());
Using the fluent API the configuration could be set from some custom settings:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
The configuration options can also be used individually or in a combination:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
// Output: jYsF3tv
The configuration options can also be provided as a JSON string, passed as parameter to the Configure method. The JSON keys should have the same names as the configuration options. The above example configuration (min=5, max=10, alphabet should contain small, capital and number characters) can be described as follows:
var options = @"{
""IncludeSmallCharacters"": true,
""IncludeCapitalCharacters"": true,
""IncludeNumbers"": true
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
// Output: xgWiFe0
###More options###
The API allows you to overwrite the list of special characters using the
IncludeSpecialCharacters(yes, specialCharacters)
overload method. By default the second parameter specialCharacters is set to an empty string - the generator uses the internally defined default list:
If the second parameter is set, then the characters in it are used as special characters:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
.IncludeSpecialCharacters(true, "+-")
// Output: +----++-++
The API allows you to exclude characters from the alphabet used for the string generation:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
.IncludeSpecialCharacters(true, "+-.!")
// Output: !+!!+!++!
The API allows you to replace characters after the generation has completed:
Console.WriteLine(new FluentTextGenerator()
.IncludeSpecialCharacters(true, "+-.!")
.Replace(".", "~")
.Replace("+", "plus")
// Output: ~!~plusplus~!plus
Please note, that with the replace operation it is possible to exceed the configured maximal text length!