Handle datetime formatting and math with alfred
Download the latest release and double click to add to alfred.
- Specify a formatted time to switch to another format
- Use
+/- <amount> <unit>
to add or subtract time- units: microseconds(ms), seconds(s), minutes(min), hours(hr), days(dy), weeks(wk), months(mn), years(yr)
next|prev <day of the week>
start|end <unit>
- units: day, week, month, year, decade, century
to <timezone>
- accepts local, utc, or a timezone
- partial match timezone if it matches a single timezone (i.e.
- Use a combination of the commands above
dt now + 2 weeks 2 days
dt next monday + 2 days
dt 2017-09-10 22:10:44 start week
- Handle time zone better
- Improve docs
- Allow users to define formats
- Add some tests to make sure things work