A simple GUI library for Odin programming language.
It is built upon win32 API functions. So it needs Windows 64 bit to run. Currently, it's a work in progress project.
Button, Calendar, CheckBox, ComboBox, DateTimePicker, GroupBox, Label, ListBox, TextBox NumberPicker (Updown Control), ProgressBar, RadioButton, TrackBar, TreeView, MenuBar, TrayIcon
This is the code used to create the window and controls in the above image.
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
import "base:runtime"
import ui "winforms"
// Global declarations
print :: fmt.println
ptf :: fmt.printf
pgb : ^ui.ProgressBar // We are using pgb & tk in inner procs. So these must be globals.
tk : ^ui.TrackBar
tmr: ^ui.Timer
ti : ^ui.TrayIcon
MakeWindow :: proc()
using ui
frm = new_form( txt = "Odin is fun")
frm.width = 1100
frm.height = 500
frm.font = new_font("Tahoma", 13)
frm.createChilds = true
// Let's create a tray icon.
ti = new_tray_icon("Winforms tray icon!", "winforms-icon.ico")
frm.onClick = frmClickProc // Show a balloon text when clicking on form.
// Let's add a context menu for our tray icon. "|" is for separator.
tray_add_context_menu(ti, .Any_Click, "Windows", "|", "Linux", "ReactOS")
ti.contextMenu.menus[0].onClick = proc(c: ^MenuItem, ea: ^EventArgs) {print("Windows menu selected")}
// Let's add a timer to this form which ticks in every 400 ms.
// And our timer_ontick proc will be called on each tick.
tmr = form_addTimer(frm, 400, timer_ontick)
mbar := new_menubar(frm, "File", "Edit", "Format")
// Add some sub menus. "|" is for separator.
menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[0], "New Work", "New Client", "|", "Exit")
menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[1], "New Client", "Copy", "Delete")
menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[2], "Font", "Line Space", "Para Spce")
menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[0].menus[0], "Contract Work", "Carriage Work", "Transmission Work")
mbar.menus[0].menus[1].onClick = newclient_menuclick
b1 := new_button(frm, "Normal", 10, 10, 110, 35 )
b1.onClick = open_file_proc
b2 := new_button(frm, "Flat Color", cright(b1) + 20, 10, 120, 35 )
set_property(b2, CommonProps.Back_Color, 0x94d2bd)
b2.onClick = b2_click_proc
b3 := new_button(frm, "Gradient", cright(b2) + 20, 10, 110, 35 )
button_set_gradient_colors(b3, 0xfb8500, 0xffbe0b)
cmb := new_combobox(frm, cright(b3) + 20, 10)
combo_add_items(cmb, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS")
set_property(cmb, ComboProps.Selected_Index, 0)
dtp := new_datetimepicker(frm, cright(cmb) + 20, 10)
gb := new_groupbox(frm, "Format Options", 10, cbottom(b1) + 20, w=230, h=110)
lb1 := new_label(frm, "Line_Space", gbx(gb, 10), gby(gb, 40))
np1 := new_numberpicker(frm, cright(lb1) + 15, gby(gb, 35), deciPrec = 2, step = 0.25)
np1.foreColor = 0x9d0208
lb2 := new_label(frm, "Col Width", gbx(gb, 10), cbottom(lb1) + 20)
np2 := new_numberpicker(frm, np1.xpos, cbottom(np1) + 15)
np2.buttonOnLeft = true
np2.backColor = 0xcaffbf
gb2 := new_groupbox(frm, "Compiler Options", 10, cbottom(gb) + 20, w = 210, h = 200)
cb := new_checkbox(frm, "Show Timings", gbx(gb2, 10), gby(gb2, 40))
cb2 := new_checkbox(frm, "No Entry Point", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(cb) + 20)
rb1 := new_radiobutton(frm, "SubSystem:Windows", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(cb2) + 20)
rb1.foreColor = 0xd90429
rb2 := new_radiobutton(frm, "SubSystem:Console", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(rb1) + 10)
lbx := new_listbox(frm, cright(gb) + 10, cbottom(b1) + 10)
listbox_add_items(lbx, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS")
set_property(cb2, CheckBoxProps.Checked, true)
lv := new_listview(frm, cright(lbx) + 10, cbottom(b3) + 10, 340, 150, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", 100, 120, 100)
listview_add_row(lv, "XP", "Mountain Lion", "RedHat")
listview_add_row(lv, "Vista", "Mavericks", "Mint")
listview_add_row(lv, "Win7", "Mavericks", "Ubuntu")
listview_add_row(lv, "Win8", "Catalina", "Debian")
listview_add_row(lv, "Win10", " Big Sur", "Kali")
control_add_contextmenu(lv, "Compile", "Link Only", "|", "Make Console")
lv.contextMenu.menus[0].onClick = contextmenu_click // Handler for "Compile" menu
tb := new_textbox(frm, cright(gb2) + 10, cbottom(lbx) + 20)
pgb = new_progressbar(frm, lv.xpos, cbottom(lv) + 15, lv.width, 30, perc = true)
tk = new_trackbar(frm, lv.xpos, cbottom(pgb) + 20, 200, 50)
// tk.customDraw = true
tk.onValueChanged = track_change_proc
tv := new_treeview(frm, cright(lv) + 20, dtp.ypos, 250, 220)
treeview_add_nodes(tv, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS")
treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 0, "XP", "Vista", "Win7", "Win8", "Win10", "Win11")
treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 1, "Mountain Lion", "Mavericks", "Catalina", "Big Sur", "Monterey")
treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 2, "RedHat", "Mint", "Ubuntu", "Debian", "Kali")
cal := new_calendar(frm, tv.xpos, cbottom(tv) + 20)
track_change_proc :: proc(c : ^ui.Control, e : ^ui.EventArgs) {
ui.progressbar_set_value(pgb, tk.value)
newclient_menuclick :: proc(sender: ^ui.MenuItem, e: ^ui.EventArgs) {
print("New Client selected")
contextmenu_click :: proc(sender: ^ui.MenuItem, e: ^ui.EventArgs) {
ptf("%s option is selected\n", sender.text)
open_file_proc :: proc(c : ^ui.Control, e : ^ui.EventArgs) {
idir : string = "D:\\Work\\Shashikumar\\2023\\Jack Ryan"
ofd := ui.file_open_dialog(initFolder = idir, description = "PDF Files", ext = ".pdf")
ofd.multiSel = true
x := ui.dialog_show(&ofd, frm.handle)
b2_click_proc :: proc(c : ^ui.Control, e : ^ui.EventArgs) {
timer_ontick :: proc(f: ^ui.Control, e: ^ui.EventArgs) {
print("Timer ticked")
frmClickProc :: proc(c: ^ui.Control, ea: ^ui.EventArgs) {
tray_show_balloon(ti, "Winforms", "Info from Winforms", 3000)
main :: proc()
track: mem.Tracking_Allocator
mem.tracking_allocator_init(&track, context.allocator)
context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&track)
defer mem.tracking_allocator_destroy(&track)
- Download or clone repo.
- Copy the folder winforms and paste it in project folder.
- Import winforms in your main file. Done !!! 👍
To enable visual styles for your application, you need to use a manifest file. Here you can see a app.exe.manifest file in this repo. You can copy paste it in your project folder. Then rename it. The name must be your exe file's name. Here in my case, my exe file is app.exe. So my manifest file's name is app.exe.manifest. However, you can use a reource file and put an entry for this manifest file in it. Then you can compile the app with the manifest data embedded into your exe.