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GUI Library for AutoIt, based on windows API.

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GUI Library for AutoIt, based on windows API. The back end of this gui library is a dll created in Nim programming language. How to use:

  1. Clone or download the repo.
  2. Place the glance.dll & glance.au3 in your script directory.
  3. Include glance.au3 in your script like this #include "glance.au3"
  4. Use this AutoIt3Wrapper option - #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y
  5. You are done !!.

Note: Use Aut2exe_x64 for creating exe file from your script. Since Glance is not using AutoIt's message loop, using default compile option in SciTE editor won't work.



Sample code.

This code used to create the window in the above picture.

#include "glance.au3"

Local $frm = glf_NewForm("My Autoit window in Nim", 1100, 500) ; Create new Form aka Window
glf_FormCreateHwnd($frm) ; Create the form's handle

glf_FormAddMenuBar($frm, "File|Edit|Help") ; Create a menubar for this form
glf_FormAddMenuItems($frm, "File", "New Job|Remove Job|Exit") ; Add some sub menus for 'File' & 'Edit' menus
glf_FormAddMenuItems($frm, "Edit", "Format|Font")
glf_FormAddMenuItems($frm, "New Job", "Basic Job|Intermediate Job|Review Job") ; Add some submenus to 'New Job'
glf_MainMenuAddHandler($frm, "Basic Job", $frm.onMenuClick, "menuClick"); Add an event handler for 'Basic Job'

Local $btn1 = glf_NewButton($frm, "Normal", 15) ; Now create some buttons
Local $btn2 = glf_NewButton($frm, "Flat", 127)
Local $btn3 = glf_NewButton($frm, "Gradient", 240)
glf_ControlSetProperty($btn2, $btn2.backColor, 0x90be6d) ; Set back color property
glf_ButtonSetGradient($btn3, 0xf9c74f, 0xf3722c) ; make this button gradient
glf_ControlAddHandler($btn1, $btn1.onClick, "onBtnClick") ; Add an event handler for btn1

Local $cal = glf_NewCalendar($frm, 15, 70) ; A simple calendar control.

Local $cb1 = glf_NewCheckBox($frm, "Compress", 40, 280) ; Create two checkboxes
Local $cb2 = glf_NewCheckBox($frm, "Extract", 40, 310)
glf_ControlSetProperty($cb2, $cb2.foreColor, 0xad2831) ; Set the checked property to True

Local $cmb = glf_NewComboBox($frm, 350, 25) ; Create new ComboBox
glf_ComboAddRange($cmb, "Windows|Linux|Mac|ReactOS") ; Add some items. You can use an array also
glf_ControlSetProperty($cmb, $cmb.backColor, 0x68d8d6) ; Set the back color

Local $dtp = glf_NewDateTimePicker($frm, 350, 72) ; Create new DateTimePicker aka DTP

Local $gb = glf_NewGroupBox($frm, "My Groupbox", 25, 250, 155, 100) ; Create new GroupBox
glf_ControlSetProperty($gb, $gb.foreColor, 0x1a659e) ; Set the fore color

Local $lbl = glf_NewLabel($frm, "Static Label", 260, 370) ; Create a Label
glf_ControlSetProperty($lbl, $lbl.foreColor, 0x008000) ; Set the fore color

Local $lbx = glf_NewListBox($frm, 500, 25) ; Create a ListBox
glf_ListBoxAddRange($lbx, "Windows|Linux|Mac OS|ReactOS") ; Add some items
glf_ControlSetProperty($lbx, $lbx.backColor, 0xffc2d4); Set the back color

Local $lv = glf_NewListView($frm, 270, 161, 330, 150) ; Create a ListView
glf_ListViewSetHeaderFont($lv, "Gabriola", 18) ; Set header font
glf_ControlSetProperty($lv, $lv.headerHeight, 32) ; Set header height
glf_ControlSetProperty($lv, $lv.headerBackColor, 0x2ec4b6) ; Set header back color
glf_ControlSetProperty($lv, $lv.backColor, 0xadb5bd) ; Set list view back color
glf_ListViewAddColumns($lv, "Windows|Linux|Mac OS", "0") ; Add three columns
glf_ListViewAddRow($lv, "Win 8|Mint|OSx Cheetah") ; Add few rows
glf_ListViewAddRow($lv, "Win 10|Ubuntu|OSx Catalina")
glf_ListViewAddRow($lv, "Win 11|Kali|OSx Ventura")
Local $cmenu = glf_ControlSetContextMenu($lv, "Forums|General|GUI Help|Dev Help") ; Add a context menu to list view

Local $np1 = glf_NewNumberPicker($frm, 385, 114) ; Create two new NumberPicker aka Updown control
Local $np2 = glf_NewNumberPicker($frm, 300, 114)
glf_ControlSetProperty($np2, $np2.buttonLeft, True) ; Set the buttons position to left. Default is right
glf_ControlSetProperty($np2, $np2.backColor, 0xeeef20) ; Set back color
glf_ControlSetProperty($np2, $np2.decimalDigits, 2) ; Set the decimal precision to two
glf_ControlSetProperty($np2, $np2.stepp, 0.25) ; Set the step value to 0.25

Local $pgb = glf_NewProgressBar($frm, 25, 363) ; Create a progressbar
glf_ControlSetProperty($pgb, $pgb.value, 30) ; Set the value to 30%
glf_ControlSetProperty($pgb, $pgb.showPercentage, True) ; We can show the percentage in digits

Local $rb1 = glf_NewRadioButton($frm, "Compiled", 655, 25) ; Create new RadioButtons
Local $rb2 = glf_NewRadioButton($frm, "Interpreted", 655, 55)
glf_ControlSetProperty($rb1, $rb1.checked, True) ; Set one of them checked

Local $tb = glf_NewTextBox($frm, "Some text", 270, 326, 150) ; Create a new TextBox
glf_ControlSetProperty($tb, $tb.foreColor, 0xd80032) ; Set the foreColor

Local $tkb1 = glf_NewTrackBar($frm, 760, 351) ; Create new TrackBars
Local $tkb2 = glf_NewTrackBar($frm, 540, 351)
glf_ControlSetProperty($tkb1, $tkb1.customDraw, True) ; If set to True, we can change lot of aesthetic effects
glf_ControlSetProperty($tkb2, $tkb2.customDraw, True)
glf_ControlSetProperty($tkb1, $tkb1.showSelRange, True) ; We can see the selection are in different color.
glf_ControlSetProperty($tkb2, $tkb2.ticColor, 0xff1654) ; Set tic color
;;glf_ControlSetProperty($tkb2, $tkb2.channelColor, 0x006d77) ; Set channel color.

Local $tv = glf_NewTreeView($frm, 760, 25, 0, 300) ; Create new TreeView
glf_ControlSetProperty($tv, $tv.backColor, 0xa3b18a) ; Set back color
glf_TreeViewAddNodes($tv, "Windows|Linux1|MacOS|ReactOS" ) ; Add some nodes

glf_TreeViewAddChildNodes($tv, 0, "Win 7|Win 8|Win 10|Win 11") ; Add some child nodes
glf_TreeViewAddChildNodes($tv, 1, "Mint|Ubuntu|Red Hat|Kali")
glf_TreeViewAddChildNodes($tv, 2, "OSx Cheetah|OSx Leopard|OSx Catalina|OSx Ventura")

; func onBtnClick($c, $e) ; $c = sender of this event aka, the button itself. $e = EventArgs, like in .NET
; 	print("CheckBox width", glf_ControlGetProperty($cb1, $cb1.width))
; EndFunc

func menuClick($m, $e) ; Here $m is menu itself. $e is MenuEventArgs
	print("Menu clicked", $m)
	glf_ControlSetProperty($tb, $tb.text, "This from autoit")

glf_FormShow($frm.ptr) ; All set, just show the form


GUI Library for AutoIt, based on windows API.






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