It provides a role for full-cluster and rolling upgrade of elasticsearch safely. This role is a wrapper around a role supplied by
- elasticsearch role developed by (
Tested with python 2.7 in the following platforms
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- elasticsearch (
- elasticsearch_upgrade
- download this repository
- cd ansible-elasticsearch-upgrade
- download elasticsearch role from and place under ansible-elasticsearch-upgrade/roles/elasticsearch folder
- modify files under ansible-elasticsearch-upgrade/inventory/aws/ folder based on your environment
- modify playbooks under ansible-elasticsearch-upgrade/playbooks/ for your required version to install/upgrade
- execute ansible-playbook -i inventory/aws
- elasticsearch-install.yml for installing elasticsearch in the cluster
- elasticsearch-full-upgrade-and-restart.yml for full-cluster upgrade and restart
- elasticsearch-rolling-upgrade-and-restart.yml for rolling upgrade and restart