This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 29, 2020. It is now read-only.
Releases: kbaseattic/relation_engine_spec
Releases · kbaseattic/relation_engine_spec
(GO) add total count to queries
Merge pull request #145 from zhlu9890/develop add total_count
(data sources) Fix RDP data source settings
2.16.0 Fix key in rdp taxonomy data source
(GO) query fixes
Merge pull request #143 from zhlu9890/develop update GO_get_associated_ws_objects.yaml to add feature_count and add…
(GO) query pagination and total count
Merge pull request #141 from zhlu9890/develop update GO_get_associated_ws_objects.yaml to add total features count and put offset+limit on ws_obj group
Exascale (djornl): return all verts and edges
Merge pull request #140 from kbase/djornl-fetch-all-verts Add query to fetch all verts and edges in djornl
Exascale bugfix
2.12.2 Bugfix on gene search
Exascale bugfix
Bugfix on query param
Exascale network queries, schemas, and importers
Merge pull request #135 from kbase/add-djornl-data Add Arabidopsis network queries and schemas
Workspace related object query fixes
2.11.0 Merge branch 'add-workspace-info-to-related-objects-query' into develop
Return workspace info in the related objects query
2.10.0 Merge pull request #134 from kbase/add-workspace-info-to-related-obje…