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ensuring flush for single logger
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kazu-yamamoto committed May 15, 2024
1 parent a97d34f commit 91cf546
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 48 deletions.
104 changes: 56 additions & 48 deletions fast-logger/System/Log/FastLogger/SingleLogger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger (
, newSingleLogger
) where
) where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, newEmptyMVar, MVar, takeMVar, putMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM

import System.Log.FastLogger.FileIO
Expand All @@ -16,90 +16,98 @@ import System.Log.FastLogger.Write


data Ent = F (MVar ()) Bool | L LogStr
type Q = [Ent] -- writer queue

-- | A non-scale but time-ordered logger.
data SingleLogger = SingleLogger {
slgrRef :: IORef (LogStr
,[LogStr])-- writer queue
, slgrKill :: IO ()
, slgrWakeup :: IO ()
, slgrBuffer :: Buffer
, slgrBufSize :: BufSize
, slgrFdRef :: IORef FD
data SingleLogger = SingleLogger
{ slgrRef :: IORef (LogStr, Q)
, slgrFlush :: Bool -> IO () -- teminate if False
, slgrWakeup :: IO ()
, slgrBuffer :: Buffer
, slgrBufSize :: BufSize
, slgrFdRef :: IORef FD

instance Loggers SingleLogger where
stopLoggers = System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger.stopLoggers
pushLog = System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger.pushLog
pushLog = System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger.pushLog
flushAllLog = System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger.flushAllLog


writer :: BufSize -> Buffer -> IORef FD -> TVar Int -> IORef (LogStr, [LogStr]) -> MVar () -> IO ()
writer bufsize buf fdref tvar ref mvar = loop (0 :: Int)
:: BufSize
-> Buffer
-> IORef FD
-> TVar Int
-> IORef (LogStr, Q)
-> IO ()
writer bufsize buf fdref tvar ref = loop (0 :: Int)
loop cnt = do
cnt' <- atomically $ do
n <- readTVar tvar
check (n /= cnt)
return n
msgs <- reverse <$> atomicModifyIORef' ref (\(msg,q) -> ((msg,[]),q))
msgs <- reverse <$> atomicModifyIORef' ref (\(msg, q) -> ((msg, []), q))
cont <- go msgs
if cont then
loop cnt'
putMVar mvar ()
when cont $ loop cnt'
go [] = return True
go (msg@(LogStr len _):msgs)
| len < 0 = return False
| len <= bufsize = writeLogStr buf fdref msg >> go msgs
| otherwise = writeBigLogStr fdref msg >> go msgs
go (F mvar cont : msgs) = do
putMVar mvar ()
if cont then go msgs else return False
go (L msg@(LogStr len _) : msgs)
| len <= bufsize = writeLogStr buf fdref msg >> go msgs
| otherwise = writeBigLogStr fdref msg >> go msgs


-- | Creating `SingleLogger`.
newSingleLogger :: BufSize -> IORef FD -> IO SingleLogger
newSingleLogger bufsize fdref = do
tvar <- newTVarIO 0
ref <- newIORef (mempty,[])
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
ref <- newIORef (mempty, [])
buf <- getBuffer bufsize
_ <- forkIO $ writer bufsize buf fdref tvar ref mvar
_ <- forkIO $ writer bufsize buf fdref tvar ref
let wakeup = atomically $ modifyTVar' tvar (+ 1)
kill = do
let fin = LogStr (-1) mempty
atomicModifyIORef' ref (\(old,q) -> ((mempty,fin:old:q),()))
flush cont = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
let fin = F mvar cont
atomicModifyIORef' ref (\(old, q) -> ((mempty, fin : L old : q), ()))
takeMVar mvar
return $ SingleLogger {
slgrRef = ref
, slgrKill = kill
, slgrWakeup = wakeup
, slgrBuffer = buf
, slgrBufSize = bufsize
, slgrFdRef = fdref
return $
{ slgrRef = ref
, slgrFlush = flush
, slgrWakeup = wakeup
, slgrBuffer = buf
, slgrBufSize = bufsize
, slgrFdRef = fdref


pushLog :: SingleLogger -> LogStr -> IO ()
pushLog SingleLogger{..} nlogmsg@(LogStr nlen _)
| nlen > slgrBufSize = do
atomicModifyIORef' slgrRef (\(old,q) -> ((mempty,nlogmsg:old:q),()))
| nlen > slgrBufSize = do
atomicModifyIORef' slgrRef (\(old, q) -> ((mempty, L nlogmsg : L old : q), ()))
| otherwise = do
| otherwise = do
wake <- atomicModifyIORef' slgrRef checkBuf
when wake slgrWakeup
checkBuf (ologmsg@(LogStr olen _),q)
| slgrBufSize < olen + nlen = ((nlogmsg, ologmsg:q), True)
| otherwise = ((ologmsg <> nlogmsg, q), False)
checkBuf (ologmsg@(LogStr olen _), q)
| slgrBufSize < olen + nlen = ((nlogmsg, L ologmsg : q), True)
| otherwise = ((ologmsg <> nlogmsg, q), False)

flushAllLog :: SingleLogger -> IO ()
flushAllLog SingleLogger{..} = do
atomicModifyIORef' slgrRef (\(old,q) -> ((mempty,old:q),()))
atomicModifyIORef' slgrRef (\(old, q) -> ((mempty, L old : q), ()))
slgrFlush True

stopLoggers :: SingleLogger -> IO ()
stopLoggers SingleLogger{..} = do
slgrFlush False
freeBuffer slgrBuffer

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