A collection of projects to improve parliament.nz as an entry for GovHackNZ 2017.
- converting list of MPs into popolo.json
- ingest MPs popolo.json into SayIt.
- run an NZ SayIt instance.
- Scrape Hansard debate transcript HTML and transform it to Akoma Ntoso XML.
- Ingest Akoma Ntoso debate transcript XML into SayIt.
- Provide a REST API for other services (API root at: /api/v0.1/).
- (Repository was "A simple node.js script to scrape data about Ministers of Parliament (MPs) from parliament.nz and return it as JSON.")
- Agnetha
- Kevin
- David
- Jonathan
- Terms of Parliament https://raw.githubusercontent.com/everypolitician/everypolitician-data/master/data/New_Zealand/House/sources/manual/terms.csv
- "51st New Zealand Parliament" https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4640115
- http://sayit.mysociety.org/
- http://www.akomantoso.org/
- http://www.popoloproject.com/
- Icons Creative Commons BY 3.0 from and Madebyoliver and Gregor Cresnar on (www.flaticon.com).