The file simulates two versions of the Monty Hall game and returns the winning percentages for both. The staying strategy simulates a game in which the player sticks with their original guess throughout the game. The switching_strategy simulates a game in which the player switches their guess after a non-winning door is ruled out. Each simulation is run 1000 times, producing win percentages of around 33.3% for the staying strategy and 66.7% for the switching strategy. Separate file includes mock tests.
The file simulates the same two game strategies, but for a game with 5 door choices. Each strategy simulation is run 10000 times. The staying strategy produces a winning percentage of around 20%, while the switching_strategy provides about a 26.7% chance of winning. Separate file includes mock tests.
The result of the four simulations leads to the following assumptions. The chance of winning with your first choice is 1/n for the number of choices. The chance of winning if you switch choices after one is ruled out is ( (n-1/n) / n-2 ), which is always slightly higher than the probability of winning using the staying strategy.