Releases: katepavlu/Duet-Maestro-12864-Menu-Files
V1.8.1: Add files via upload
I pretty much made a new "main" page from scratch. The new menu has fewer buttons (I felt some of them weren't things I used enough to keep them on the main page), new icons, new functions (loading and unloading filament plus an option to home the printer and rise the head to allow maintanance). The menu can now also display a heater fault (the affected heater gets it's image replaced by 🚫 when it happens).
When the printer is printing, the main page now displays print progress % and estimated time remaining (based on filament usage).
When a print is paused, it is now possible to change the filament.
The new "heat" menu is completely scratch-made.
I added presets for most common filaments (PLA, PETG, ABS) and an option to set a custom value.
You can move all axes in increments of 25mm (for fast movements) and manually adjust them to the precise value you desire. You can home all axes and/or do mesh bed compensation.
Added an option to play a macro and to access the "tune" section
This is where I placed all the alterable values I didn't want on the main menu screen. You can adjust flow rate %, print speed %, fan %. Accessible both after power on and while printing.
Other changes include making some buttons return you to the main menu when pressed, placing alterable values and buttons further apart so they don't clip together, and repositioning the temperatures so they make more sense.