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Sail Katamaran Backend

This project use the opam package manager.


First, your current opam switch must use the ocaml.5.0.0 compiler. To create a new switch you can run the following commands (replace sail-katamaran with whatever name you want for your switch):

opam switch create sail-katamaran ocaml.5.0.0

Later if you want to return to your default switch, run:

opam switch set default

Change default with any other switch name to use it.


This project uses the dune, sail and pprint packages. To install the project with its dependencies, run:

opam install . --deps-only
dune build
dune install

You can also avoid installing the plugin after building the project, and load the plugin on demand each time you want to access the Katamaran backend options with the -plugin option of sail:

sail -plugin _build/default/src/sail_katamaran_backend/sail_plugin_katamaran.cmxs ...

Either way, the -katamaran-check option of sail should print "Katamaran plugin is functioning correctly" if the backend is installed/the plugin loaded.


In order to test the generated files, Katamaran (with its dependencies) is required.


  • -katamaran is the sail option to activate the Katamaran target.
  • -katamaran_list_notations allows the µSail generated file to use some more readable list notations defined by Katamaran.
  • -katamaran_check prints "Katamaran plugin is functioning correctly".
  • -katamaran_width defines the page width for the µSail generated code. Must be followed by an integer.

Test Nanosail

Automatic tests

dune test

Manual tests

dune exec -- test/nanosail_to_microsail/main.exe <option> <input>

<input> can be any example name (lists, long, prod or expr for the moment). Without <input>, every example is loaded.
Use -help to see the list of options, -inputs to see the list of available tests.

Test Full Backend


An example with list functions:

cd test/full_backend/examples/lists/
make katamaran # or katamaran-list to enable list notations

lists.v will be generated from lists.sail. It can be compared manually with the expected results in expected/ using make compare.

List of some of the make targets:

  • check : Sail type checking.
  • ast : Prints the sail AST after getting rid of syntactic sugar.
  • interpreter : Loads the sail file in the sail interpreter.
  • katamaran, katamaran-rewrites, katamaran-rewrites-clean : Respectively calls the sail coq target, same as katamaran prints each rewrite step AST in a new directory, same as katamaran-rewrites but deletes rewrite step ASTs when nothing has been changed.
  • katamaran-list : Identical to katamaran but uses the better list notations for µSail.
  • compare, compare-list : Compares the output files of respectively katamaran and katamaran-list with the expected µSail files.
  • coq, coq-rewrites, coq-rewrites-clean : Respectively calls the sail coq target, same as coq but prints each rewrite step AST in a new directory, same as *coq-rewrites but deletes rewrite step ASTs when nothing has been changed.
  • clean : Cleans the directory of any generated file.

Feature tests

test/fullbackend/feature_tests/supported.txt contains a brief description of the current supported featured of Sail.

cd test/full_backend/feature_tests
make test

.v files will be generated from the .sail files and then compared to the expected/ files.


dune uninstall