This is the second generation of the EPsolar Tracer solar charge controller. You need RS-485 adapter for communication. The first generation controller used RS-232 and a different protocol. see
Check EPEVER site for more info and Windows software. There are also some nice pictures on Tumblr.
NOTE If you have Linux kernel version 6.5 or newer, you don't need any special driver. For example in Raspbian/bookworm:
kasper@zombie:~ $ uname -r
kasper@zombie:~ $ lsmod | grep serial
xr_serial 16384 0
usbserial 40960 1 xr_serial
kasper@zombie:~ $ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Jan 13 05:59 /dev/ttyUSB0
If you cannot use a new kernel, you may try this Linux driver in directory. That is for for Exar based USB RS-485 adapter. The original source was from Exar website, but it has dissapeared when MaxLinear acquired Exar.
Protocol See for windows capture for some extra commands.
Uses modbus library (
Example output
# python
Manufacturer: 'EPsolar Tech co., Ltd'
Model: 'Tracer2215BN'
Version: 'V02.05+V07.12'
Charging equipment rated input voltage = 150.0V
Charging equipment rated input voltage = 150.0V
Charging equipment rated input current = 20.0A
Epsolar controller uses RJ45 connector. If you use other RS-485 adapter than Exar, you may create the cable from an Ethernet cable. Check the colors from the following tables, your cable is typically T768B or T768A.
- Connect brown wire to adapter pin marked as GND if your adapter has the pin.
- Connect blue wire to the adapter pin marked as B or D-
- T768A: Connect orange wire to adapter pin marked as A or D+ OR
- T768B: Connect green wire to adapter pin marked as A or D+ .
The other pins are used by MT-50 display and not needed with USB adapter.
Pin | Function | Wire | Eth. T768A | Eth. T768B |
1 | Power | White-Green | White-Orange | |
2 | Power | Green | Orange | |
3 | RS-485-B | White-Orange | White-Green | |
4 | RS-485-B | D - | Blue | Blue |
5 | RS-485-A | White-Blue | White-Blue | |
6 | RS-485-A | D + | Orange | Green |
7 | Ground | White-Brown | White-Brown | |
8 | Ground | GND | Brown | Brown |