XOR Based Encryption Using Cellular Automata
- "Bazcrypt.exe" All features, described in README.txt
- Download Windows x64 V1.2
- Example .bat file given for one click encryptions :)
- "BazcryptNEWO.exe" Creates a new encrypted file and keeps the original file.
- "BazcryptREP.exe" Replaces the original file with the encrypted version.
- "BazCrypt_HardCoded.exe" DEMO Executable with predetermined text and pass and evolution
- "BazCrypt_UserInput.exe" DEMO Executable allows user input also outputs cryptographic analysis results
- See AlphaRelease Branch for the source code of the release, for analysis use the master branch.
- Use MINGW Library for compiling the program, download from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/
- If IDE is not available to compile, run mingw32-g++.exe with following commands:" -Wall -fexceptions -g -c C:\Users\your_source_directory\main.cpp -o main.o" to create an object
- Create an executable using the following commands with mingw32-g++.exe : "-o main.exe main.o"
- Run the executable created as main.exe. DONE!
- Note : It's easier to download CodeBlocks (download here:http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26) with mingw package and simply compile and run the program with one click.
- Use g++ library in from the linux repository. If not available simply run "sudo apt-get install g++" on command line.
- change to the source directory on command line and run "g++ -o main.o -c main.c" then link with "g++ -o main main.o" and run the executable with "./main" DONE!
- NOTE: Some system functions are used therefore those might not be supported by your OS though it does not affect the algorith itself.
- Import cryptolinear.m to Matlab.
- Make sure the directories for the imported datafiles are correctly set.
- Make sure to use pokerfile outputs for variables denoted with Px and "nonlinearity" files with variables denoted with Sx
- It has predefined 6 examples that are included in the repository at /data
- Poker results are given as Pxres where x is the sample number on Matlab console and standard deviations are given as MPx1
- For monobit tests, only the mean is given as Mx on Matlab console where x is the sample number