Playground on various subjects.
I can't play sudoku, but can I write program that can play sudoku?
Current solvers are:
- brute solver, which probably won't find solution till sun shines
- naive filtering (check is state is consistent before processing), which should be better
- forward filtering - remove unconsistent values in neighour nodes - blazingly fast (simple problem in 300 tries, hard in tens of thousands)
- arc consistency checking
Further notes in subdirectory sudoku
Playing with MDP. AI learning to play classical PONG game. Available in browser Pong AI
Further notes in subdirectory mdp
Hidden Markov Model for Electrocardiogram
Attempts to model heart rythm with HMM for inference on pulse state.
Currently exercises with HMM algorithm in Crooked Casino from Bioinformatics Algorithms course.
AI learning to play Google TRex. Attempts to learn to play using 2 layer backpropagated network. In a kind of a reinfored learning (simplified Pong from Pixels)
Further notes in subdirectory neural
Exercises with Kohonen Self Organizing Maps. Mapping colour space to 2D graph, maping linear functions, etc. More in subdirectory kohonen
Two dimensional kohonen map learning color space.
To be done:
- space learning "robotic arm"
- balancing robot
Graphics renderer capable of drawing geometry primitives: dots, lines, boxes, curves. First implementation is to be 2D.
Visualization tool needed for other projects.
Bayesian Network computer for finding genetic traits in ancestry tree (e.g. child blood type).
Plays with one of the simples neural models.