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*Summary of 102 LeetCode SQL questions* This note aims to help people learn and review SQL efficiently. The first draft mainly focuses on T-SQL/MS SQL Server.

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LeetCode SQL Summary

Last updated on August 8, 2021, covered 106 LeetCode SQL questions


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    1. Only one solution folder will be kept
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    3. Add Column "Topic" for LeetCode SQL Questions by ID


After finishing all 102 LeetCode SQL questions, I feel it could be good to summarize all questions by topics.

This note aims to help people learn and review SQL effeciently, espeically when trying to have a quick catch up on a certain topic, e.g. complex join, window function, recursive CTE and etc. If you would like to try questions by ID, you could jump to LeetCode SQL Questions by ID where I list all questions coverred in this repository.

And for the first draft, I mainly focus on T-SQL/MS SQL Server.

Table of Content

LeetCode SQL Questions by Topics


# Title Difficulty Solution
182 Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
511 Game Play Analysis I Easy Soln.
578 Get Highest Answer Rate Question Medium Soln.
584 Find Customer Referee Easy Soln.
586 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders Easy Soln.
595 Big Countries Easy Soln.
596 Classes More Than 5 Students Easy Soln.
619 Biggest Single Number Easy Soln.
620 Not Boring Movies Easy Soln.
1050 Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times Easy Soln.
1069 Product Sales Analysis II Easy Soln.
1076 Project Employees II Easy Soln.
1082 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1141 User Activity for the Past 30 Days I Easy Soln.
1148 Article Views I Easy Soln.
1149 Article Views II Medium Soln.

SQL Command

# Title Difficulty Solution
196 Delete Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
627 Swap Salary Easy Soln.


  • Simple Join
# Title Difficulty Solution
175 Combine Two Tables Easy Soln.
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Easy Soln.
183 Customers Who Never Order Easy Soln.
184 Department Highest Salary Medium Soln.
197 Rising Temperature Easy Soln.
262 Trips and Users  Hard Soln.
512 Game Play Analysis II Easy Soln.
550 Game Play Analysis IV Medium Soln.
570 Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports Medium Soln.
574 Winning Candidate Medium Soln.
577 Employee Bonus Easy Soln.
580 Count Student Number in Departments Medium Soln.
607 Sales Person Easy Soln.
614 Second Degree Follower Medium Soln.
615 Average Salary: Departments VS Company Hard Soln.
1068 Product Sales Analysis I Easy Soln.
1070 Product Sales Analysis III Medium Soln.
1075 Project Employees I Easy Soln.
1077 Project Employees II Medium Soln.
1083 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1112 Highest Grade For Each Student Medium Soln.
1132 Reported Posts II Medium Soln.
1158 Market Analysis I Medium Soln.
1164 Product Price at a Given Date Medium Soln.
1204 Last Person to Fit in the Elevator Medium Soln.
1205 Monthly Transactions II Medium Soln.
1241 Number of Comments per Post Easy Soln.
1270 All People Report to the Given Manager Medium Soln.
1280 Students and Examinations Easy Soln.
1294 Weather Type in Each Country Easy Soln.
1303 Find the Team Size Easy Soln.
1327 List the Products Ordered in a Period Easy Soln.
1336 Number of Transactions per Visit Hard Soln.
1350 Students With Invalid Departments Easy Soln.
1364 Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer Medium Soln.
1378 Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier Easy Soln.
1384 Total Sales Amount by Year Hard Soln.
1407 Top Travellers Easy Soln.
  • Advanced Join
# Title Difficulty Solution
180 Consecutive Numbers Medium Soln.
196 Delete Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
534 Game Play Analysis III Medium Soln.
569 Median Employee Salary Hard Soln.
579 Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee Hard Soln.
601 Human Traffic of Stadium Hard Soln.
603 Consecutive Available Seats Easy Soln.
612 Shortest Distance in a Plane Medium Soln.
613 Shortest Distance in a Line  Easy Soln.
1097 Game Play Analysis V Hard Soln.
1126 Active Businesses Medium Soln.
1127 User Purchase Platform Hard Soln.
1159 Market Analysis II Medium Soln.
1194 Tournament Winners Hard Soln.
1212 Team Scores in Football Tournament Medium Soln.
1225 Report Contiguous Dates Hard Soln.
1251 Average Selling Price Easy Soln.
1285 Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges Medium Soln.
1308 Running Total for Different Genders Medium Soln.
1321 Restaurant Growth Medium Soln.
1369 Get the Second Most Recent Activity Hard Soln.


  • Simple Subquery
# Title Difficulty Solution
176 Second Highest Salary Easy Soln.
183 Customers Who Never Order Easy Soln.
184 Department Highest Salary Medium Soln.
196 Delete Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
197 Rising Temperature Easy Soln.
512 Game Play Analysis II Easy Soln.
569 Median Employee Salary Hard Soln.
570 Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports Medium Soln.
571 Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers  Hard Soln.
574 Winning Candidate Medium Soln.
579 Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee Hard Soln.
580 Count Student Number in Departments Medium Soln.
602 Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends Medium Soln.
603 Consecutive Available Seats Easy Soln.
607 Sales Person Easy Soln.
608 Tree Node Medium Soln.
613 Shortest Distance in a Line  Easy Soln.
614 Second Degree Follower Medium Soln.
615 Average Salary: Departments VS Company Hard Soln.
618 Students Report By Geography Hard Soln.
626 Exchange Seats Medium Soln.
1045 Customers Who Bought All Products Medium Soln.
1070 Product Sales Analysis III Medium Soln.
1083 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1084 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1097 Game Play Analysis V Hard Soln.
1098 Unpopular Books Medium Soln.
1107 New Users Daily Count Medium Soln.
1112 Highest Grade For Each Student Medium Soln.
1126 Active Businesses Medium Soln.
1132 Reported Posts II Medium Soln.
1142 User Activity for the Past 30 Days II Easy Soln.
1158 Market Analysis I Medium Soln.
1174 Immediate Food Delivery II Medium Soln.
1204 Last Person to Fit in the Elevator Medium Soln.
1225 Report Contiguous Dates Hard Soln.
1264 Page Recommendations Medium Soln.
1280 Students and Examinations Easy Soln.
1285 Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges Medium Soln.
1294 Weather Type in Each Country Easy Soln.
1321 Restaurant Growth Medium Soln.
1322 Ads Performance Easy Soln.
1336 Number of Transactions per Visit Hard Soln.
1341 Movie Rating Medium Soln.
1350 Students With Invalid Departments Easy Soln.
1355 Activity Participants Medium Soln.
1364 Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer Medium Soln.
1369 Get the Second Most Recent Activity Hard Soln.
  • Advanced Subquery
# Title Difficulty Solution
262 Trips and Users  Hard Soln.
550 Game Play Analysis IV Medium Soln.
569 Median Employee Salary Hard Soln.
585 Investments in 2016 Medium Soln.
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate Easy Soln.
601 Human Traffic of Stadium Hard Soln.
1077 Project Employees II Medium Soln.
1127 User Purchase Platform Hard Soln.
1159 Market Analysis II Medium Soln.
1164 Product Price at a Given Date Medium Soln.
1194 Tournament Winners Hard Soln.
1205 Monthly Transactions II Medium Soln.
1270 All People Report to the Given Manager Medium Soln.
1398 Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C Medium Soln.
  • Recursive CTE
# Title Difficulty Solution
1270 All People Report to the Given Manager Medium Soln.
1336 Number of Transactions per Visit Hard Soln.
1384 Total Sales Amount by Year Hard Soln.

Window Function

# Title Difficulty Solution
176 Second Highest Salary Easy Soln.
177 Nth Highest Salary Medium Soln.
178 Rank Scores Medium Soln.
180 Consecutive Numbers Medium Soln.
184 Department Highest Salary Medium Soln.
185 Department Top Three Salaries Hard Soln.
197 Rising Temperature Easy Soln.
512 Game Play Analysis II Easy Soln.
534 Game Play Analysis III Medium Soln.
550 Game Play Analysis IV Medium Soln.
569 Median Employee Salary Hard Soln.
571 Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers  Hard Soln.
579 Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee Hard Soln.
585 Investments in 2016 Medium Soln.
601 Human Traffic of Stadium Hard Soln.
603 Consecutive Available Seats Easy Soln.
613 Shortest Distance in a Line  Easy Soln.
615 Average Salary: Departments VS Company Hard Soln.
618 Students Report By Geography Hard Soln.
1070 Product Sales Analysis III Medium Soln.
1077 Project Employees II Medium Soln.
1107 New Users Daily Count Medium Soln.
1112 Highest Grade For Each Student Medium Soln.
1126 Active Businesses Medium Soln.
1127 User Purchase Platform Hard Soln.
1159 Market Analysis II Medium Soln.
1164 Product Price at a Given Date Medium Soln.
1174 Immediate Food Delivery II Medium Soln.
1194 Tournament Winners Hard Soln.
1204 Last Person to Fit in the Elevator Medium Soln.
1225 Report Contiguous Dates Hard Soln.
1285 Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges Medium Soln.
1303 Find the Team Size Easy Soln.
1308 Running Total for Different Genders Medium Soln.
1321 Restaurant Growth Medium Soln.
1355 Activity Participants Medium Soln.
1369 Get the Second Most Recent Activity Hard Soln.


# Title Difficulty Solution
262 Trips and Users  Hard Soln.
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate Easy Soln.
608 Tree Node Medium Soln.
610 Triangle Judgement Easy Soln.
615 Average Salary: Departments VS Company Hard Soln.
618 Students Report By Geography Hard Soln.
626 Exchange Seats Medium Soln.
627 Swap Salary Easy Soln.
1126 Active Businesses Medium Soln.
1142 User Activity for the Past 30 Days II Easy Soln.
1158 Market Analysis I Medium Soln.
1159 Market Analysis II Medium Soln.
1173 Immediate Food Delivery I Easy Soln.
1174 Immediate Food Delivery II Medium Soln.
1193 Monthly Transactions I Medium Soln.
1194 Tournament Winners Hard Soln.
1211 Queries Quality and Percentage Easy Soln.
1212 Team Scores in Football Tournament Medium Soln.
1264 Page Recommendations Medium Soln.
1294 Weather Type in Each Country Easy Soln.
1322 Ads Performance Easy Soln.
1393 Capital Gain/Loss Medium Soln.
1398 Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C Medium Soln.


# Title Difficulty Solution
176 Second Highest Salary Easy Soln.
177 Nth Highest Salary Medium Soln.
1321 Restaurant Growth Medium Soln.


# Title Difficulty Solution
602 Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends Medium Soln.
618 Students Report By Geography Hard Soln.
1179 Reformat Department Table Easy Soln.
1322 Ads Performance Easy Soln.


# Title Difficulty Solution
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate Easy Soln.
1098 Unpopular Books Medium Soln.
1107 New Users Daily Count Medium Soln.
1113 Reported Posts Easy Soln.

LeetCode SQL Questions by ID

# Title Difficulty Solution
175 Combine Two Tables  Easy Soln.
176 Second Highest Salary Easy Soln.
177 Nth Highest Salary Medium Soln.
178 Rank Scores Medium Soln.
180 Consecutive Numbers Medium Soln.
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Easy Soln.
182 Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
183 Customers Who Never Order Easy Soln.
184 Department Highest Salary Medium Soln.
185 Department Top Three Salaries Hard Soln.
196 Delete Duplicate Emails Easy Soln.
197 Rising Temperature Easy Soln.
262 Trips and Users  Hard Soln.
511 Game Play Analysis I Easy Soln.
512 Game Play Analysis II Easy Soln.
534 Game Play Analysis III Medium Soln.
550 Game Play Analysis IV Medium Soln.
569 Median Employee Salary Hard Soln.
570 Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports Medium Soln.
571 Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers  Hard Soln.
574 Winning Candidate Medium Soln.
577 Employee Bonus Easy Soln.
578 Get Highest Answer Rate Question Medium Soln.
579 Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee Hard Soln.
580 Count Student Number in Departments Medium Soln.
584 Find Customer Referee Easy Soln.
585 Investments in 2016 Medium Soln.
586 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders Easy Soln.
595 Big Countries Easy Soln.
596 Classes More Than 5 Students Easy Soln.
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate Easy Soln.
601 Human Traffic of Stadium Hard Soln.
602 Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends Medium Soln.
603 Consecutive Available Seats Easy Soln.
607 Sales Person Easy Soln.
608 Tree Node Medium Soln.
610 Triangle Judgement Easy Soln.
612 Shortest Distance in a Plane Medium Soln.
613 Shortest Distance in a Line  Easy Soln.
614 Second Degree Follower Medium Soln.
615 Average Salary: Departments VS Company Hard Soln.
618 Students Report By Geography Hard Soln.
619 Biggest Single Number Easy Soln.
620 Not Boring Movies Easy Soln.
626 Exchange Seats Medium Soln.
627 Swap Salary Easy Soln.
1045 Customers Who Bought All Products Medium Soln.
1050 Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times Easy Soln.
1068 Product Sales Analysis I Easy Soln.
1069 Product Sales Analysis II Easy Soln.
1070 Product Sales Analysis III Medium Soln.
1075 Project Employees I Easy Soln.
1076 Project Employees II Easy Soln.
1077 Project Employees II Medium Soln.
1082 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1083 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1084 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1084 Sales Analysis I  Easy Soln.
1097 Game Play Analysis V Hard Soln.
1098 Unpopular Books Medium Soln.
1107 New Users Daily Count Medium Soln.
1112 Highest Grade For Each Student Medium Soln.
1113 Reported Posts Easy Soln.
1126 Active Businesses Medium Soln.
1127 User Purchase Platform Hard Soln.
1132 Reported Posts II Medium Soln.
1141 User Activity for the Past 30 Days I Easy Soln.
1142 User Activity for the Past 30 Days II Easy Soln.
1148 Article Views I Easy Soln.
1149 Article Views II Medium Soln.
1158 Market Analysis I Medium Soln.
1159 Market Analysis II Medium Soln.
1164 Product Price at a Given Date Medium Soln.
1173 Immediate Food Delivery I Easy Soln.
1174 Immediate Food Delivery II Medium Soln.
1179 Reformat Department Table Easy Soln.
1193 Monthly Transactions I Medium Soln.
1194 Tournament Winners Hard Soln.
1204 Last Person to Fit in the Elevator Medium Soln.
1205 Monthly Transactions II Medium Soln.
1211 Queries Quality and Percentage Easy Soln.
1212 Team Scores in Football Tournament Medium Soln.
1225 Report Contiguous Dates Hard Soln.
1241 Number of Comments per Post Easy Soln.
1251 Average Selling Price Easy Soln.
1264 Page Recommendations Medium Soln.
1270 All People Report to the Given Manager Medium Soln.
1280 Students and Examinations Easy Soln.
1285 Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges Medium Soln.
1294 Weather Type in Each Country Easy Soln.
1303 Find the Team Size Easy Soln.
1308 Running Total for Different Genders Medium Soln.
1321 Restaurant Growth Medium Soln.
1322 Ads Performance Easy Soln.
1327 List the Products Ordered in a Period Easy Soln.
1336 Number of Transactions per Visit Hard Soln.
1341 Movie Rating Medium Soln.
1350 Students With Invalid Departments Easy Soln.
1355 Activity Participants Medium Soln.
1364 Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer Medium Soln.
1369 Get the Second Most Recent Activity Hard Soln.
1378 Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier Easy Soln.
1384 Total Sales Amount by Year Hard Soln.
1393 Capital Gain/Loss Medium Soln.
1398 Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C Medium Soln.
1407 Top Travellers Easy Soln.
1412 Find The Quiet Students in All Exams Medium Soln.


*Summary of 102 LeetCode SQL questions* This note aims to help people learn and review SQL efficiently. The first draft mainly focuses on T-SQL/MS SQL Server.






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