🌩️ StormDB is a tiny, lightweight, 0 dependency, easy-to-use JSON-based database that allows users to quickly and easily achieve data persistence by provided an engine to store and access JSON data, for NodeJS the browser or Electron.
Example: Add a post entry under users.tom and save it to the database.
.push({ title: "Post 1" })
- 🏎️ Blazingly Fast Speeds - Fast read and write speeds, even when handling large data.
- 📦 Tiny Size - Tiny source code size allows for blazingly fast loading when speed matters.
- ⚡️ Versatile - Can be used with NodeJS, in the browser or in Electron.
Install StormDB through NPM:
$ npm i stormdb
Basic usage with NodeJS:
const StormDB = require("stormdb");
// start db with "./db.stormdb" storage location
const engine = new StormDB.localFileEngine("./db.stormdb");
const db = StormDB(engine);
// set default db value if db is empty
db.default({ users: [] });
// add new users entry
db.get("users").push({ name: "tom" });
// update username of first user
// save changes to db
The db.stormdb
database file is updated to:
"users": [
StormDB is designed to be flexible, and can be used in NodeJS, the browser or even Electron with very small adaptations to the code. Examples usages can be seen below:
For expanding functionality, each database initialized can be expanded with the following options, in the format new Engine(path, options);
- function to serialize data before writing it to the database.deserialize
- function to deserialize data from the database.
Change Value of Key in Database:
// before: {"old": "oldData"}
// after: {"old": "newData"}
Set Key-Value Pair on Dictionary Property:
db.set("key", "value").save();
// before: {}
// after: {"key": "value"}
Delete Value:
// before: {'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2'}
// after: {'key2': 'value2'}
Set Key-Value Pair on Dictionary with Shorthand Syntax:
db.set("key.key2", "value").save();
// before: {}
// after: {"key": {"key2": "value"}}
Set Default Data for Empty Database:
db.default({ name: "tom" });
// actual db: {}
console.log(db.get("name")); // prints "tom"
Push Item to Array Property:
// before: {'list': []}
// after: {'list': [1]}
Filter All Elements under 5:
// before = {'list': [1,2,6,1]}
// output = {'list': [6]}
// get list from db
let value = db.get("list").value();
// delete all elements with value under 5
value.forEach(function(el, i) {
if (el < 5) {
// remove all null elements
value = value.filter(el => el !== null);
// save db
Change Element with Highest Value:
// before = {'users': [{value: 10}, {value: 5}, {value: 6}]}
// after = {'users': [{value: "changed"}, {value: 5}, {value: 6}]}
// get list from db
let values = db.get("users").value();
// sort list with highest value first
values = values.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value);
// change value of highest element
values[0]["value"] = "changed";
// replace list with new list with changed values
// save db
Map List, Squaring Each Number in List:
// before = {'data': [1,2,3,4,5]}
// after = {'data': [1,4,9,16,25]}
// get values list
let values = db.get("data").value();
// map list, squaring each number
values = values.map(x => x ** 2);
// reassign list to db
// save db
Leverage Serialize and Deserialize functions to encrypt and decrypt data:
const engine = new StormDB.localFileEngine("./db.stormdb", {
serialize: data => {
// ecrypt and serialize data
return encrypt(JSON.stringify(data));
deserialize: data => {
// decrypt and deserialize data
return JSON.parse(decrypt(data));
const db = StormDB(engine);
Author: Tom