UpTimeBot is a website template for a status page.
You can install Uptime Bot by clicking the "Code" green button and downloading the ZIP file. Then you can extract it in the folder you want.
You have to move the assets/websocket folder to another place, not accessible by the website.
Go to the Node.js Website, and click on the current version.
Open the installed file and follow the instructions.
Now you need to setup your services. Go to the websocket directory, then open index.js Go to the line 115. You can find this:
const services = {
"Service": { // The name will be displayed on the page
method: "GET", // Make a {method} request // Use GET if you don't known
host: "", // Ip, or domain name // Ex., www.example.com, sub.domain.example.com
path: "/test", // Make request at this path
port: 80, // Make request at this port
database: false, // ONLY MYSQL DATABASE FOR NOW // Set at false if you are using port 3306 and it is not a database // Set at true if you want to fetch a database and the port is not 3306
http: true, // Wheter to use HTTP or HTTPS // Do not specify if you are fetching a database
timeout: 10 // Returns offline is the server does not answer after X seconds
You can edit this template service, and customize it as you want, and duplicate it for all the services you need.
If you have properly installed Node.JS, you can now start the websocket. Go to the folder you moved before, and open the commands terminal. Write node index
and press Enter. Now your websocket is successfully online.