#Breast Pump User Data This repo has data for use at the Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon at the MIT Media Lab on Sept 20-21, 2014.
##What we need It would be great to see some visualizations that help us make sense of a large number of user ideas and cluster them according to features or pain points. It would also be great to see visualizations that help us remember how there are individuals - moms, dads and babies - behind these stories. They are not just users - they are trying to help sustain a human life in the best way they can and often facing numerous challenges.
The data is comprised of:
In the directory /pumpreviews/. This dataset is generously provided by weeSpring (a Techstars-backed start up that helps new and expecting parents collect advice from their friends about what they need for their baby). There are three CSVs in this data set.
Hundreds of users have submitted ideas for how to improve the breast pump. At the moment we have a subset of these uploaded in the repo. We hope to have all the ideas in the repo by the evening of Friday, Sept 19th. Some of the ideas are short and singular but other ideas are long, personal stories. All are in the form of unstructured text files. Each user submission is a single .txt file.