- Save PlayerPrefs with multiple slots.
- Read and edit directly in the Unity Editor via the Scriptable Object Inspector.
- Data encrypted with AESEncryption and Base62.
//Json Format
string jsonData = @"
""name"": ""Steve"",
""age"": 30,
""avg"": 12321.0002,
""some-string"": ""I'm Cat!!"",
""new"": ""I'm Animal""
PlayerPrefsUtility.Save(string jsonData, string profileName);
PlayerPrefsUtility.Load(string profileName);
PlayerPrefsUtility.Clear(); // remove all PlayerPrefs
PlayerPrefsUtility.Clear(string profileName); // remove PlayerPrefs by profileName
*To read the PlayerPrefs profile you need to create a ScriptableObject User Profile.
- Module Playerprefs made by Kan (2022)