Django Session for UDICTI TCMS-CRDB BootCamp 2022
[17 August 2022]
- Installing Python & Django on MacOS and Windows. ✔️
- Setting up Project's Virtual Environment. ✔️
- First Phase Coding (Traditional Django). ✔️
[18 August 2022]
- Second Phase Coding (DRF-RestFul APIs).
$ git clone
$ cd tcms
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 runserver 8000
You can now visit the browser on your localhost at port 8000, you can change 800 to your favourite port number
The Project Uses Python 3.8.10 and Django 4.0.6
## Check your versions on your terminal
$ python3 --version
# Install Django
$ pip install django
$ python3 -m django --version
Get the documentation of virtualenv from Pypi Org
On Windows
$ pip install virtualenv
$ python -m venv enviroment-name
$ enviroment-name/Scripts/Activate [press-enter]
On Linux
$ pip3 install python3-venv
$ python3 -m venv enviroment-name
$ source enviroment-name/bin/ctivate [press-enter]
- Creating the first django project and overall understanding of the django architecture.
- Configuring templates settings and Rendering our HTML templates via django-view-url format.
- Passing Data to templates using python-contexts
- kalokola
- Our Trainers & Coachs.
- TCMS CRDB Class 2022.