This is a fork of express-swagger-generator
With the difference it supports reading typescript definitions along with the JSDOC definitions. The typescript parsing is based on typescript-json-schema library.
Support of enums and arrays is also added in this library.
The sample applications in javascript and typescript, show routing documentation that is being processed and handled to swagger.
import * as express from 'express';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as swaggerGenerator from 'express-swagger-generator';
let options = {
swaggerDefinition: {
info: {
description: 'WEB API Test',
title: 'WEB API Test',
version: '1.0.0',
host: "localhost:3000",
basePath: '',
produces: [
schemes: ['http', 'https']
basedir: __dirname,
files: ['../../routes/**/*.ts'], //Path to the API routes folder,
typeDefinitions: path.join(__dirname, '../../@types/api/**/*.ts') // Path to typescript files that should be included in the swagger definitions
Open http://<app_host>:<app_port>/api-docs in your browser to view the documentation.
Definitions can be done via Typescript interface/class/enum
// IPoint.ts
export interface IPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
Or using JSDOC definition (as in the original library)
* @typedef IPoint
* @property {integer} x.required
* @property {integer} y.required - Some description for point - eg: 1234
* @property {string} color
* @property {enum} status - Status values that need to be considered for filter - eg: available,pending
* This function comment is parsed by doctrine
* @route GET /api
* @group foo - Operations about user
* @param {string} email.query.required - username or email
* @param {string} password.query.required - user's password.
* @returns {IPoint} 200 - An array of user info
* @returns {Error} default - Unexpected error
router.get('/api', function (req, res, next) { ... });
TODO: See why .d.ts cannot be parsed at the moment
TODO: See if dropdowns can be present for Enums using Swagger 3