Kaleem Ullah <[email protected]>
Short Description:
File System i.e FAT, FAT32, ExFat, NTFS, HPFS, GPT, EXT1,2,3,4 are storage representation to Operating System of physical unformatted RAW Disk. using LBA(Logical Block Addressing) scheme, storage cluster size and formatting method OS stores our file on disk media. this library is design to emulate disk operations performed by OS.
What it does:
There are seven operations:
1. Open Disk: to open disk for reading & writing
2. Read Disk: read disk content on specific location (cluster)
3. Write Disk: Write to disk on specific location (cluster)
4. Format Disk: Erase existing disk
5. Close Disk: close disk after read write operations
6. Sync Disk: complete pending read write operations
7. View File: view whole file written on disk
Why it does so ? just to simulate real hardisk and check to see how it works :)
max file size is 1024KB i.e 1MB disk cluster or BLOCK SIZE (in our case) is 4096Bytes i.e 4KB allocating BLOCK_SIZE memory in read_buffer, write_buffer containg data to be process write_buffer is then use to write data to disk, read_buffer is used to display data to user.
some parts of the assignments are created taking help from [1] for helping and educational purposes to get familarity with syntax and other libs [1]
Rquired Libraries
- stdio.h
- string.h
- stdlib.h
- unistd.h
- fcntl.h
- sys/types.h
- sys/stat.h
- ctype.h
- stdlib.h
compile program.
make compile
Then, to run the program do,
make run
for clean-up,
make clean
Bonus TIP:
Run Application choose 'V' to view file and input "db.sqlite3" (SQLITE) database file to view its contents.