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Mechanized Proof for Article: "Revamping Hardware Persistency Models: View-Based and Axiomatic Persistency Models for Intel-x86 and Armv8" (PLDI 2021)


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View-based semantics for hardware


Related publications:

  • Christopher Pulte, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Jeehoon Kang, Sung-Hwan Lee, Chung-Kil Hur. Promising-ARM/RISC-V: a simpler and faster operational concurrency model. PLDI 2019.

    This repository is a fork of this paper's artifact.

  • Kyeongmin Cho, Sung-Hwan Lee, Azalea Raad, and Jeehoon Kang. Revamping Hardware Persistency Models: View-Based and Axiomatic Persistency Models for Intel-x86 and Armv8. PLDI 2021.


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Our results

Our proofs are based on a prior work for Armv8-view, originally named "Promising-ARMv8". The prior work contains:

  • the proof of the equivalence between Armv8-view and Armv8-axiom
  • some proofs about certification

We extend the existing proofs for Armv8 to persistency. In addition, we newly define Px86-view/Px86-axiom and prove the theorems of it mentioned in the paper.


  • lib(open source) and src/lib contain libraries not necessarily related to relaxed-memory concurrency and persistency.

  • src/lib/Lang.v: Definition of assembly-like language and its interpretation for both x86 and Armv8 (corresponding to Figure 13)

  • src/promising/TsoPromising.v: Definition of Px86-view and Px86-prom (corresponding to Figure 11 and 12)

  • src/axiomatic/TsoAxiomatic.v: Definition of Px86-axiom (corresponding to Figure 7)

  • src/promising/Promising.v: Definition of PArmv8-view without certification (corresponding to Figure 14, 15 and 16)

  • src/axiomatic/Axiomatic.v: Definition of PArmv8-axiom (corresponding to Figure 9)

  • src/lcertify: Thread-local certification


  • Background definitions

    • A behavior is either (1) post-crash image of memory or (2) non-crash terminal image of memory. This is the simplest possible definition of behaviors for NVM; we may refine the concept by incorporating I/O or other kinds of externally visible interactions. We believe it is straightforward to incorporate such interactions in the definition of behaviors as future work.
    • The behaviors of a program is (1) the set of post-crash memories and (2) the set of non-crash terminal memories resulting from an execution of the program.
    • A behavior is allowed in a program iff the behavior---either post-crash or non-crash terminal image---is in the corresponding set of memories of the program's behaviors.
    • A model, say X, refines another model, say Y, iff the set of behaviors according to X, is a subset of that according to Y.
    • A model, say X, is equivalent to another model, say Y, iff the set of behaviors according to X coincides with that according to Y.
  • Theorem 5.3: Equivalence between Px86-view and Px86-axiom

    • Theorem axiomatic_to_promising in src/equiv/TsoAtoP.v: Px86-axiom refines Px86-prom.

    • Theorem promising_to_axiomatic in src/equiv/TsoPFtoA.v: Px86-prom refines Px86-axiom.

      • TsoPFtoA1.v: construction of axiomatic execution from promising execution
      • TsoPFtoA2.v, TsoPFtoA3.v: definitions and lemmas for main proof
      • TsoPFtoA4*.v: proof for validity of constructed axiomatic execution
      • TsoPFtoA4SL.v: simulation between promising and axiomatic execution
      • TsoPFtoA4OBR.v, TsoPFtoA4OBW.v, TsoPFtoA4FR.v, TsoPFtoA4FOB.v, TsoPFtoA4FP.v: proof for "external" axiom
    • Lemma 5.1: Equivalence between Px86-prom and Px86-view

      • The paper says that after the x86-prom and x86-view have been proven to be equivalent (Theorem 5.2) and then extended to persistency, the proof in Coq was done right away.
      • Theorem promising_to_view in src/equiv/TsoPFtoV.v: Px86-prom refines Px86-view.
      • Theorem view_to_promising in src/equiv/TsoVtoP.v: Px86-view refines Px86-prom.
  • Theorem 6.2: Equivalence between PArmv8-view and PArmv8-axiom

    • Theorem axiomatic_to_promising in src/equiv/AtoP.v: PArmv8-axiom refines PArmv8-view without certification.
    • Theorem promising_to_axiomatic in src/equiv/PFtoA.v: PArmv8-view without certification refines PArmv8-axiom.
      • PFtoA1.v: construction of axiomatic execution from promising execution
      • PFtoA2.v, PFtoA3.v: definitions and lemmas for main proof
      • PFtoA4*.v: proof for validity of constructed axiomatic execution
      • PFtoA4SL.v: simulation between promising and axiomatic execution
      • PFtoA4OBR.v, PFtoA4OBW.v, PFtoA4FR.v, PFtoA4FOB.v, PFtoA4FP.v: proof for "external" axiom
      • PFtoA4Atomic.v: proof for "atomic" axiom
    • Theorem certified_exec_equivalent in src/lcertify/CertifyComplete.v: PArmv8-view and PArmv8-view without certification are equivalent.

Results of prior work

Theorems included in the code but not directly related to what we did are:

  • Theorem certified_deadlock_free in src/lcertify/CertifyProgressRiscV.v: Promising-RISC-V is deadlock-free.
  • Theorem certified_promise_correct in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: find_and_certify is correct.
    • Theorem certified_promise_sound in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: Assume the thread configuration <T, M> is certified, and promising p leads to <T', M'>. Then <T'. M'> is certified if p is in find_and_certify <T, M>.
    • Theorem certified_promise_complete in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: Assume the thread configuration <T, M> is certified, and promising p leads to <T', M'>. Then p is in find_and_certify <T, M> if <T', M'> is certified.


Mechanized Proof for Article: "Revamping Hardware Persistency Models: View-Based and Axiomatic Persistency Models for Intel-x86 and Armv8" (PLDI 2021)







Contributors 3

