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A simple website for creating blogs by loging in via local, google and facebook authentication. Create blogs in a variety of categories provided in the website

Getting Started

Fork and clone the repository and start the server using

npm start


Things (npm pakages) you need to install and how to install them

express, express-session, hbs, mongodb, passport, passport-facebook, passport-google-oauth20, sequelize', sqlite


npm init
npm install

Built With

  • nodejs
  • javascript
  • jQuery
  • css
  • bootstrap
  • html


  • handlebars files
* all.hbs: renders all all existing blogs
* blogs.hbs: renders blogs of a particular category
* home.hbs: renders the homepage
* myblogs: displays blogs of a particular user
* oneblogs: renders a single particular blog
* signin: signin page for local authentication
* signup: signup page for local authentication


  • get('/all'): To get all the current blogs in decreasing order of the number of likes
  • get('/next/:skp'): To get more blogs in the all section of the homepage where skp gives the no. of blogs to be skipped
  • get('/'): Homepage link for logging in
  • get('/home'): Personalized homepage for the current logged in user
  • post('/signup'): Signup via local authentication
  • post('/signin'): Signin via local authentication
  • get('/signin/facebook'): Facebook signin page
  • get('/signin/facebook/callback'): Callback link for facebook authentication
  • get('/signin/google'): Google signin page
  • get('/signin/google/callback'): Callback link for google authentication
  • get('/signout'): Signout end-point
  • get('/createb'): Sends a html form for creating a new blog
  • post('/create'): Creates a new blog by writing into the database
  • get('/myBlogs'): Sends personal blogs of the user currently logged in
  • delete('/deleteBlog/:title'): Deletes a blog from the database where title is the blog's title
  • post('/editBlog'): Updates a blog in the database
  • get('/blog'): Displays a particular blogs with blog's name in query parameter
  • get('/getcomments'): Sends all the comments from the database to an ajax request
  • post('/addcomment'): To create a new comment by logged in user
  • post('/like/:title'): To upvote a comment with title as the blog's title
  • post('/addlike/:title'): To add like to a blog with title as the blog's title
  • get('/search'): Sends appropriate blogs to the search bar
  • get('/category'): To get all the blogs of a particular category having a query parameter cat containing the category



Blog website with basic PWA capabilities






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