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Kai Blumberg edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 40 revisions

proposed ENVO classes:

Material ideas and information to be harvested into ENVO.

temporarily moved here

typical or measurable sea water

//Something along these lines. A potential new ENVO class to be created representing the fact that the average or typical seawater has a variety of constituent parts to it nutrients, temperature salinity etc. //Still not sure what to do about this one. is a seawater

currents and water masses:

marine current flow

//Change ENVO:marine current to a process:

A marine current flow is a continuous, directed movement of marine water generated by the forces acting upon this mean flow, such as breaking waves, wind, Coriolis force, temperature and salinity differences and tides caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun. Depth contours, shoreline configurations and interaction with other currents influence a current's direction and strength.

is a water flow process // also give it a process quality concerning velocity or movement rate

marine current

//make a new continuant that is called marine current

A hydroform which is part of a marine water body and which overlaps the continuous, directed movement of marine water generated by the forces acting upon that water body. 

overlaps a marine current flow process is a hydroform

//existing envo term def:

A mass of marine water.

new def:

A marine water body which is distinguishable from its surrounding waters, bearing distinctive physical properties such as temperature, salinity, and chemical isotopic ratios inhered during its formation process. 

marine water mass formation

A material accumulation process during which water bearing the chemical properties of a distinct spatiotemporal region, namely temperature and salinity aggregates, forming a distinct marine water mass.

material accumulation process 'results in formation of' some 'marine water mass'


enrichment process

//mirror depletion

depletion process

//reduction in the concentration of something

nutrient transition to non biologically available form

nutrient depletion in marine water mass

A process during which nutrients within a water mass decrease a range below a threshold beneath which biological processes, resulting from the nutrient consumption of biotic growth processes. 

is a 'material decumulation process' 'results in formation of' some 'oligotrophic water' 'occurs in' some 'marine water mass' 'has participant' some 'cellular organisms' //cellular organisms 'causally downstream of' some PCO:'plankton bloom process' // phytoplankton blooms can be terminated by nutrient depletion

marine water mass mixing

A process during which water inherent within separate marine water masses are mixed and exchanged due to physical forces such as wind mixing. 

is a 'environmental system process'

vertical water mass mixing

//processes 'has synonym` 'vertical water mixing' // is this the same or distinct from vertical water movements?

'causally upstream of, negative effect' some 'phytoplankton bloom'

// existing term to fit into puzzle.

ENVO:marine warm-water sphere

ENVO:marine cold-water sphere

stratified water body

A water body which is characterized by distinct layers of water masses of different densities which result from chemical properties of the water such as salinity, temperature and oxygenation. 

is a water body 'has part' some 'cline' 'has part' some 'marine water body' //how do I say has min 2 marine water body? comment

A stratified water mass can serve as a barrier to vertical water mixing processes, potentially hindering the mixing of nutrients and oxygen between water layers, leading to anoxia and or oligotrophic surface waters.

stratification process

// process affecting the quality of some parts of a mass differentiation them into layers which sit atop one another due to their densities

water body stratification

// process // results in stratified water body //Stratification can also limit nutrient supply from deeper layers and thus constrain phytoplankton growth.

'has synonym` stratification 'results in formation of' some 'stratified water body' 'causally upstream of, negative effect' some 'vertical water mass mixing' //prevents deep water mixing 'causally upstream of, positive effect' some 'water mass nutrient depletion'


A layer within a fluid where the salinity composition changes rapidly with depth.

``is a 'chemocline'


marine halocline

A halocline caused by a strong, vertical salinity gradient within a body of marine water. 

``is a 'halocline'

'causally downstream of, positive effect' some 'water body stratification'


Because salinity affects the density of seawater, a halocline can increase vertical stratification in a water body. xref

Biogenic particle flux & carbon pump classes:

//add axioms for has parts some CHEBI carbohydrates, lipids proteins.


// perhaps make this //all particulate matter organic and inorganic which is suspended in a water body. //

marine particle aggregation process

// synonym marine snow formation ?

sinking of suspended particles in a aquatic water body

is a 'material transport process' 'has synonym' 'vertical particle flux'

marine particle sinking process

//synonym: marine snow sinking

benthic export process

//has part some marine snow //marine carbon export process //for the carbon pump // is a material transport process //plankton bloom causually upstream of this

sea ice related classes:

sea ice cover

Quality of a marine water body which inheres in a water body by virtue of the interface of that water body and the atmosphere being interrupted by sea ice.  

has exact synonym sea ice coverage //sea-ice cover can influence phytoplankton blooms in a variety of ways: Firstly, sea-ice reduces light penetration //into the water column, which negatively affects the growth of algae in and under the sea ice

sea ice melting

is a 'ice melt' 'has output' some 'meltwater' // the output being 'fresh water' is deliberated upon in an editors note in 'ice melt' but 'meltwater' is better

'causally upstream of' some 'water body stratification' //melting sea ice causes water body stratification //during the ice melt, sea-ice plankton, nutrients and trace elements are released into the upper ocean layer. //This process can accelerate the spring bloom

//melting of sea-ice increases the upper ocean stability since freshwater is released into the upper ocean layer //This can either promote blooms by keeping plankton closer to the surface where light levels are favorable //or suppress them by increasing grazing pressure from zooplankton xref

sea ice edge

//has a bloom associate with the edge as it retreats. // how is this related to the Marginal Ice Zone?

marginal ice zone

An environmental zone in which ...

is a 'environmental zone' 'causally upstream of, positive effect' some 'phytoplankton bloom process' 'causally upstream of, positive effect' some 'photoautotrophic biomass formation' //promotes promotes phytoplankton blooms and enhanced biological productivity

sea ice drift

sea ice advection

solar radiation & photosynthesis classes:

// should be improved upon for area of photic radiation etc.

solar radiation

light penetration depth of marine water body

// add synonym: euphotic zone // we have envo:'neritic epipelagic zone biome' which encompasses the euphotic zone should help with definiton/axioms.

autotrophic biomass formation

A process during which an organism produces biomass from abiotic components using an autotrophic growth process.

is a 'environmental system process' 'formed as result of' some ECOCORE:'autotrophy' 'has synonym' 'primary productivity' // or should that be a continuant which is contributed by this process?

photoautotrophic biomass formation

A process during which an organism produces biomass from abiotic components during photosynthesis.

is a 'autotrophic biomass formation' 'formed as result of' some ECOCORE:'photoautotrophy' 'has synonym' 'photosynthetic biomass formation'

surface photoautotrophic biomass formation

A process during which organisms, at the surface of a planetary photic zone, produce biomass from abiotic components during photosynthesis.

is a 'photoautotrophic biomass formation' 'formed as result of' some ECOCORE:'photoautotrophy' 'has exact synonym' 'surface primary productivity'

is a 'surface photoautotrophic biomass formation'

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