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Helpful JS libs to connect various self-custody web3 wallets


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Raison d'etre

Too many Web3 libraries depend on large frameworks being imported and used for the entire project implementation. This is annoying. So, these helper files are designed to simplify init of Web3 Wallet connections for vanilla JS implementations. It imports all the annoying dependencies required for services like Wallet Connect, and wraps it up so that vanilla JS can be used with Web3.js wallet objects.

The issue

The main problem being solved is that every wallet has a slightly different init process, and slightly different mechanism to determine if the wallet is present in the user's browser. Listing the wallet options and enabling connections in a fully stylable button container should not be difficult.

What it does

The solution provides:

  • search engine load-speed friendly mechanisms
  • standardised method to query for wallet presence
  • standardised wallet connection init
  • fully self-stylable wallet prompt

and returns an initialised Web3.js wallet object at the end of it all.

Currently supports:

  • MetaMask
  • Binance Wallet
  • WalletConnect ( requires an Infura ID )
  • simply reading chain information via Infura

Coming soon:

  • Coinbase Wallet


Depends on Web3.js and WalletConnect JS files - however these are imported through the init function, and the exact files are stored in this repo incase they disappear from the interwebs.


Because I use these files in various projects, they are publicly hosted and availble for your use from here:


The source code for a demo is in /demo/demo.html

Repo layout

  • /src/ : The full source code is here
  • /prod/ : The minified files for your download and self hosting are here
  • /demo/ : The source code for the demo is here


Include the core file in your page

Start by including the KV.js script. Best practice suggests avoiding keeping it in your header, so the following snippet can be included at the end of your page just above your </body> tag:

let _kv = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); _kv.src = ""; _kv.aysnc="async";
_kv.onload = function(){ if (typeof _w3init == "function"){ _w3init(); } };

Note that this will attempt to invoke a function with name _w3init.

Full initialisation example

The following is an example of a full initialisation function, which also invokes other helper extensions included in this repo. Detailed explanations of options and params follow below.

let user_wallet; //define placeholder variable to maintain wallet address
let _w3init = function(){
        ["", ""], 
        //Initialise the Wallet UI manager
        let walletui = new KV.WalletUIHandler({
            parent_container: document.getElementById("walletmodal"),
            btn_connect: document.getElementById("connect_btn"),
            web3network: 80001,
        //Contracts with write requirements will be created once a wallet is connected
        walletui.on("wallet_connected", function(wallet_addr){
        //store the address of the connected wallet
        user_wallet = wallet_addr;
        //load a contract for read/write
            short_name: 'JedstarStaking',
        }).then(function(res){ console.log('Loaded contract JedstarStaking'); });

        // --- your code after wallet init goes here ---


Method Description Example usage
KV.rpc_codes A reference object that maps well known network names to their standardised network IDs. KV.rpc_codes.ETH_MAINNET returns 1, while KV.BSC_MAINNET returns 56
KV.rpc_url A reference object that maps network IDs to usable RPC URL endpoints KV.rpc_url[56] maps to the Binance RPC URL
KV.network_humannames A reference object that maps network IDs to easily readable human names. Useful when populating things like dropdown boxes in your UI. KV.network_humannames[1] returns Ethereum Mainnet
KV.block_explorers A reference object that maps network IDs to block explorer URLs KV.block_explorers[56] maps to the Binance Scan block explorer
KV.network_currency A reference object that maps network IDs to the definition of their native tokens. This is required when adding networks to a user's wallet that did not previously exist KV.network_currency[137] defines the MATIC native currency for import into a wallet
KV.init(...) The invocation method. Described in the section Invocation KV.init(...).then(...)
KV.set_infuraID(...) WalletConnect and Read Only contracts require RPC URLs to interact with the chain. Infura is the default RPC provider supported (not endorsed) by this library. Use this method to set your Infura API key in order to enable support for read-only contracts, and WalletConnect KV.set_infuraID("abcdefg")
KV.get_available_providers() This method takes no parameters. It returns an array of strings which defines what wallet extensions have been detected in this browser KV.get_available_providers() can return ["walletconnect", "metamask", "binancewallet"]
KV.set_provider(string) The following options are available: walletconnect, metamask, binancewallet, readonly. From the known list of supported providers, set the wallet provider to the one defined by the given string. If readonly is specified, no wallet prompt will be necessary, however a working RPC URL for the given network is required. KV.set_provider("metamask")
KV.get_provider() Get the current provider that has been defined by the set method. Returns null or undefined if nothing has been set. KV.get_provider()
KV.on_connect(function) Attach a function that will be fired every time a wallet connection is established. The function will be passed a parameter - an array that contains the list of connected wallet addresses. Despite wallets allowing users to have multiple addresses connected to a site, the length of the array is usually 1 - i.e. the currently connected wallet address. Note that this function can be fired multiple times in a single session depending on user behaviour. KV.on_connect(fn_update_buttons)
KV.on_disconnect(function) Attach a function that will be fired every time a wallet connection is destroyed. Note that this means it can be fired multiple times in a single session depending on user behaviour. Not all wallets will fire the disconnection notice. KV.on_disconnect(fn_cleanup_buttons)
KV.on_session_change(function) Some wallets allow users to toggle wallet addresses while connected to a site. This is effectively the same as a "disconnect" and "connect", however the wallet does not invoke those functions, but instead combines those actions into one. The function is usually passed a parameter similar to the on_connect method - i.e. an array of strings that represent wallet addresses. KV.on_session_change(fn_update_buttons)
KV.wallet.enable(network_id) After using the KV.set_provider method to define the desired wallet for connectivity, this method can be invoked. It will follow the known initialisation procedure for the selected wallet and attempt to attach it to the given network_id. If the user's current wallet does not have the network_id configured, the method will attempt to prompt the user to add it (if supported by the wallet). The method returns a promise once the user's wallet process is complete. If there are any issues, the catch method can be used to handle the exception. KV.wallet.enable(KV.rpc_codes.MATIC_MAINNET).then(...).catch(...)
KV.wallet.web3() Returns a Web3.js wallet object (if the wallet has been enabled) for you to manipulate with web3 methods. let w3 = KV.wallet.web3()
KV.wallet.disconnect() Attempt to disconnect from the user wallet, and purge known connectivity information. Not all wallets support formal disconnection. KV.wallet.disconnect()
KV.wallet.reset_all() Silently remove all known connection information. Does not invoke any callbacks related to disconnection, etc KV.wallet.reset_all()


If using the default function naming from above, then the init function will need to be present with the name _w3init and the necessary flags to turn on the wallet handler:


var _w3init = function(){
        <array of scripts to load>,
        <CDN URL string  *or* TRUE to override>
        <function once wallet handler is ready>

Explanation of options

Option Description Example
Array of scripts to load This is optional. If your web3 page has multiple dependencies, the init function will download them in parallel and only fire the promise when the browser has reported everything as loaded ["", ""]
CDN URL string or TRUE This is optional. By default, the init procedure loads two dependencies to provide web3 support (web3.js and walletconnect libraries). Specific versions are hosted on, however if you would like to self host these, you can provide a string here with your own CDN URL (e.g. https// ). Alternatively, if you would like to load different versions of the libraries, you can simply supply the boolean value true, and ensure that your library files are provided in the Array of scripts to load "" or true
Function once wallet handler is ready This is recommended. Once all library files have been downloaded, the init function will fire the promise so that your custom load function can be invoked. By default, if a user's wallet was previously connected, it will attempt to reconnect it. It will pass an object into the function that describes the outcome. See wallet init info below for more details. function (res){ ... }

Wallet Init Info The promise returns an object that describes the status of the wallet connection. The object properties are as follows:

Property Value Explanation
init "ok" The init procedure loaded all necessary scripts and all dependencies are ready to be used.
wallet "ok" The user was previously connected to a chain from this page, and instant reconnection is available. The user can be reconnected without a prompt.
wallet "fail" The user was previously connected to a chain from this page, but instant reconnection is NOT available. The user will experience a prompt when trying to reconnect.
wallet undefined The user has not connected to a chain from this page yet. The user will experience a prompt when trying to reconnect

Relevant code snippet

var w3init = function(){
        ["", ""], 

The WalletUI Manager (optional)

One of the main pain points being addressed by this toolkit is the management of UI components through vanilla JS and CSS. The WalletUI manager extension attempts to simplify this process for you. It does this by using methods from KV.js to inspect the browser and automatically creating DOM elements depending on available wallets, and connection status.

The extension is in the repo as /src/KV.WalletUIHandler.js and available on the CDN at

KV.WalletUIHandler API

The following methods are made available if this extension is loaded:

Method Description Example Usage
constructor The WalletUIHandler requires some init params to function property as it binds elements and click handlers to the DOM. These are detailed in the section Initialisation new walletObj = new KV.WalletUIHandler({...});
walletObj.on(ev, fn_handler) When certain events take place, it may be necessary for you to invoke certain handler functions. The on method allows you to attach functions that will fire everytime the event occurs. The supported events are detailed in the section Supported events. Whenever you bind a handler, a unique ID is returned. This ID can be later be used to unbind the event if needed. walletobj.on("wallet_connected", fnManageWallet);, id) If you have previously bound a handler to a specific event, you can use this method to detach the event so that it no longer fires. The id would have been provided when you bound the handler using the on method."wallet_connected", 1)


Relevant code snippet

        //Initialise the Wallet UI manager
        let walletui = new KV.WalletUIHandler({
            parent_container: document.getElementById("walletmodal"),
            btn_connect: document.getElementById("connect_btn"),
            web3network: 80001,
        //Contracts with write requirements will be created once a wallet is connected
        walletui.on("wallet_connected", function(wallet_addr){
        //store the address of the connected wallet
        user_wallet = wallet_addr;


        // --- your code after wallet init goes here ---

The following properties are supported as part of the initialisation process.

Init property Mandatory/Optional Description Example
btn_connect Mandatory An element is required to serve as the user interaction point, where they can tap/click to connect/disconnect their wallet. This could be a button, a div or an image - however must be provided as a DOM object btn_connect: document.getElementById('connect_btn')
parent_container Mandatory A DOM object is required in the DOM for the Wallet Chooser modal/popup DIV to be written into. When the btn_connect element is pressed, a new DIV element will be created which holds buttons for every detected wallet in the browser - this will appended as a child node to the given DOM element. See the KV.js API method KV.get_available_providers() to understand more about the supported wallets. parent_container: document.getElementById("walletmodal")
btn_disconnect_label Optional By default this is "Disconnect". The property accepts a string that will replace the innerHTML within btn_connect. For example, your default text might be "Choose Your Wallet", but once connected, this no longer makes sense and the button serves a different function (namely to disconnect the wallet). So, the default disconnection text should be used here. btn_disconnect_label: "Disconnect"
modal_connect_headline Optional The default modal text prompt is "Choose your wallet type", however your may want to provide a different headline in the modal modal_connect_headline: "Pick your preferred wallet"
web3network Optional The default network is the Ethereum Mainnet. Other networks are supported, and the network ID can be specified here. See the KV.js API method KV.rpc_codes web3network: KV.rpc_codes.MATIC_MAINNET

Supported events

Once the WalletUIHandler is written to the DOM, there are a number of events that can take place as a result of user interaction. These events will likely need some action from you to handle. You can bind to these events using the WalletUIHandler's .on(ev, fn_handler) API.

Event name Description Passes into handler Example
btnconnect_clicked Fired when the user has clicks on the DOM element provided in the init props A string with one of the following status' is sent: connect when the user intent is to select a wallet for connection, hide when the user opened the modal dialog to connect a wallet, but clicked on the element again without selecting a wallet (thus hiding the modal), disconnect when the user's wallet is connected, and they have clicked the element again in order to terminate the connection obj.on("btnconnect_clicked", function(status){ ... });
modal_open Fired when the connection modal is shown on screen. This method only passes true into the handler obj.on("modal_open", function(b){ ... });
modal_closed Fired when the connection modal is removed. This happens if the user cancels the modal dialog, or if they choose a wallet to connect to. This method only passes true into the handler obj.on("modal_closed", function(b){ ... });
wallet_connected Fired when the wallet connection for the user's chosen wallet has been established. Note, some wallets allow a user to select a different wallet address without firing a wallet_disconnected event. You should build with this in mind. This will pass an array of strings into the handler. Each string represents a connected wallet address. Note that this will usually be an array of length 1. obj.on("wallet_connected", function(w){ wallet_addr = w; });
wallet_disconnected Fired when the user disconnects their wallet from your site. This will send whatever disconnection data comes from the wallet, or simply the string user disconnected. The data sent on this callback is not usually very useful. obj.on("wallet_disconnected", fn_handle_disconnection);

The Web3 Contract Functions extension (optional)


License, legal and fun

All my code is Copyright (c) 2022 Kaiesh Vohra and licensed under the GPL.

The other brands, code, dependencies, etc, all belong to their respective owners and their licenses. Appropriate licenses and notices should be present in the code - if not, please let me know and I will update accordingly.


Helpful JS libs to connect various self-custody web3 wallets







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