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An online horse betting demo using CockroachDB and the Saga pattern.


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Welcome to Burp-a-Bet - an online, voice-activated horse betting system demo based on CockroachDB, Kafka and Spring Boot.

The voice activation part is actually just theoretical and bets are placed by keystrokes through an interactive shell or API requests.


The system is designed to demonstrate different architectural patterns and mechanisms in the context of an Online Sports Betting use case. The purpose is not to accurately model the full domain complexity of sports betting but to give an idea of how such systems are crafted using CockroachDB as the database of choice.

The system provides three separate and independent microservices that together supports the following customer journeys:

  • Customer Registration - where a player registers with a game operator (horse racing only)
  • Bet Placement - where a player wagers a bet on a specific game (track and horse)
  • Bet Settlement - where open bets are settled with a win or loss

Screenshot of the betting-service web UI:

Design Features

To promote service autonomy, independence and transactional integrity, all journeys (business transactions) are modelled using Sagas with the orchestration method.

All services maintain their local state in an isolated database using ACID guarantees and local transactions. The message exchange between the services are effectively journey state transitions. These messages through the transactional outbox pattern where CDC queries are used in combination with Kafka stream joins to pair together requests with responses.

In summary, this makes the journeys fully asynchronous but still safe from a transactional standpoint. See the rule invariants section below for the meaning of safe in this context.

This system demonstrates the following mechanisms in CockroachDB:

  • CDC Queries - where each service have an outbox table and a CDC query that sends events to Kafka.
  • Row-level TTL eviction - that deletes expired outbox keys.
  • Follower reads - used by REST endpoints to inspect betting and race data without interfering with ongoing journeys (causing retries).
  • Multi-region (optional) - using regional-by-row to pin accounts and bets to specific jurisdictions.
  • Computed virtual columns and enum types

All three services provide an interactive shell and a REST API using the HAL+forms hypermedia type.

The shells are used to initiate the different journeys above and other management tasks. The APIs are used for observability and also for initiating journeys using HTTP requests through cURL / Postman or similar tools.


The project builds executable JAR files for each deployable component or microservice. These JAR files runs on any platform for which there is a Java 17+ runtime.



Install the JDK (Ubuntu example):

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

Install the JDK (MacOS example using sdkman):

curl -s "" | bash
sdk list java
sdk install java 17.0..  

Confirm the installation by running:

java --version

Clone the project

git clone [email protected]:kai-niemi/burp-a-bet.git burp-a-bet

Build the executable jars

cd burp-a-bet
chmod +x mvnw
./mvnw clean install

The executable jars are now found under each respective module's target directory.

Demo Tutorial

This section describes how to run a local demo on MacOS.

For multi-region deployments using CockroachCloud on either AWS, GCP or Azure, there are prepared template script and SQL files in the deploy directory. It describes a manual process for a bit more advanced demos involving multi-region patterns.

Demo Setup


Setup CockroachDB

For deploying a local CockroachDB cluster, see

Create the databases

Create the following databases, one for each service:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost -e "CREATE database wallet"
cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost -e "CREATE database customer"
cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost -e "CREATE database betting"

Enable change feeds:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost -e "SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.enabled = true"

Setup and Start Kafka

Kafka Streams is required to help drive the distributed business transactions on top of CockroachDB CDC outbox events.

You can either use a manged Kafka cluster or a local self-hosted setup. In the latter case, just follow the quickstart guidelines to setup a vanilla Kafka instance.

Ensure kafka is available to the app services and CockroachDB nodes at the default port 9092:


Example setup using Kraft:

curl -o kafka_2.13-3.6.1.tgz
tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.6.1.tgz
ln -s kafka_2.13-3.6.1 current
cd current
KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID="$(bin/ random-uuid)"
bin/ format -t $KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID -c config/kraft/

Depending on your network setup you may need to edit the following Socket properties in config/kraft/


Start daemon:

bin/ -daemon config/kraft/

Tail a topic, in this case registration:

bin/ --topic registration --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --property print.key=true

Start Services

Burp-a-bet provides both built-in command line shells and REST (hypermedia driven) API endpoints in each service. The shell is used for demo purposes to initiate the different journeys. The REST APIs are for observability and for command completion in the shells.

Start the services in three separate shell sessions:

Terminal 1:


Terminal 2:


Terminal 3:


Now you should have all three services up and running locally and listening on the following ports:

Service Shell API / Front-end Capability
customer yes http://localhost:8090 Orchestrates the registration journey
wallet yes http://localhost:8091 Manages monetary accounts for customers and operators using a double-entry financial ledger
betting yes http://localhost:8092 Orchestrates the bet placement and settlement journeys

You can verify with curl:

curl 'http://localhost:8090' -i -X GET
curl 'http://localhost:8091' -i -X GET
curl 'http://localhost:8092' -i -X GET

Hint: if you are using Chrome, then Json Viewer is a must-have.

Custom Parameters (optional)

See common-application-properties on how to tailor the application context. All parameters can be overridden through the CLI.

For example:

java -jar wallet-service.jar \ \
--spring.datasource.url="jdbc:postgresql://$HOME/Library/CockroachCloud/certs/<uuid>/cluster-name-ca.crt" \
--spring.datasource.username=burp \
--spring.datasource.password=*** \
--spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers=<kafka-local-ip>:9092 \
--spring.flyway.placeholders.cdc-sink-url=kafka://<kafka-public-ip>:9092 \

To run any of the service in the background without an interactive shell, you can put the above in a script and use the --noshell arg:

nohup ./ --noshell > wallet.txt &

Demo Commands

In the different shells, type help for command guidance (or TAB for code completion).

Customer Service

The customer service orchestrates the registration journey. Upon a customer registration, an outbox event is sent to the wallet and betting service (through CDC). These services then do their stuff and either approves or rejects the registration, which is funneled back to the customer service.

At registration:

  • The betting service validates the jurisdiction.
  • The wallet service creates a customer account and operator account if needed, and grants a registration bonus.

If both services accept the registration is approved. If any one rejects it, the customer service sends a rollback request.

At rollback:

  • The betting service does nothing.
  • The wallet service reverts the welcome bonus but keeps the accounts.

To register 10 customers (default is 1), type:

register --count 10

For more help, type:

help register

Wallet Service

The wallet service does not orchestrate any journeys but participates. It provides a financial ledger using double-entry principles and an account plan for customers and operators.

Operators have liability accounts that can have a negative balance. Customers have expense accounts that can only have a positive balance. Funds are transferred only between operator and customer accounts, thus the total balance of all accounts must always equal zero.

For more help, type:


Betting Service

The betting service orchestrates the bet placement and bet settlement journeys.

Bet placement

Upon placing a bet, an outbox event is sent to the wallet and customer service. These services do their stuff and either approves or rejects the placement.

At placement:

  • The customer service validates the spending budget is not exceeded (spending limit).
  • The wallet service reserves the bet wager from the customers account (if enough funds) to the operator account.

If both services accept, the placement is approved. If any rejects it, the betting service sends a rollback request.

At rollback:

  • The customer service returns the acquired spending credits.
  • The wallet service reverts the bet wager and moves funds back to the customer account.

To place 10 bets for a random customer on a random race, type:

place-bet --count 10

To settle all bets, type:


On settlement:

  • The customer service does nothing
  • The wallet service pays out a reward on wins

For more help, type:

help place-bet
help settle-bets


API Testing

The services also provide REST APIs for initiating the bet placement, bet settlement and registration journeys. See API Demo for a tutorial.

Rule Invariants

In terms of measuring correct execution and outcomes during disruptions and/or contention, these are the main business rule invariants to observe:

Wallet service:

  • Total sum of all accounts must always be zero
  • Customer accounts must always have a balance of zero or higher
  • Operator accounts can have both positive and negative balance

Betting service:

  • Settled bets are marked as settled after payouts are transferred to customer account.
  • Bet placement can only be done against registered customer accounts.
  • Bet wagering can only be done against unsettled races.

Customer service:

  • Customers spending budget (like a rate limit) must always be positive.

Additional Resources

Terms of Use

See MIT for terms and conditions.


An online horse betting demo using CockroachDB and the Saga pattern.








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