An hotel website that focuses on the experience of the user being seamless, not having to click many buttons to get what they want.It's got the homepage, rooms & rates page, facilities and contacts page.
In contributing to the project, follow the steps below
- Fork this repository, by clicking on the button at the topmost right corner of the page, with "fork" text.
- Once you're done forking this repository, you can clone it unto your local machine (Your PC) by typing the following command in your terminal.
git clone https://
- When you're done cloning, move into the project directory
cd stunning-hotel
Start working on the task that has been assigned to you, be sure not to push to the master branch, so we can review and avoid errors while merging your Pull Requests.
You can create a branch by typing this into the terminal
git checkout -b [your-branch-name]
PS:- Your branch name should be or correlate with the feature/page you're working on.
- When you're done making your changes, commit them and push to your current branch.
git push origin HEAD
git push origin [your-branch-name]
When that is done, create your pull request, wait for it to be reviewed, and merged/closed.
When your PR gets closed, someone in charge would definitely leave a comment as to why it was closed.