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kadyb authored Aug 16, 2023
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220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions Tutorial.Rmd
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title: "Parallel raster processing in **stars**"
author: "Krzysztof Dyba"
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css: style.css

Prediction on large datasets can be time-consuming, but with enough computing
power, this task can be parallelized easily. Some algorithms provide native
multithreading like `predict()` function in `{ranger}` package (but this is
not standard). In this situation, we have to parallelize the calculations
ourselves. There are several approaches to do this, but for this example we will
divide a large out of memory raster into smaller blocks and make predictions
using multithreading.

## Data loading

```{r message=FALSE}
set.seed(1) # define a random seed

The first step is to list the rasters representing the blue (B2), green (B3),
red (B4), and near infrared (B5) bands to be loaded using the `list.files()`
function. We need to define two additional arguments, i.e. `pattern = "\\.TIF$"`
and `full.names = TRUE`.

files = list.files("Landsat", pattern = "\\.TIF$", full.names = TRUE)

Since this data does not fit in memory, we have to load it as a proxy (actually,
we will only load the metadata describing these rasters). To do this, we use the
`read_stars()` function with the arguments `proxy = TRUE` and `along = 3`. This
second argument will cause the bands (layers) to be combined into a
three-dimensional matrix: $[longitude, \ latitude, \ spectral \ band]$.

rasters = read_stars(files, proxy = TRUE, along = 3)

We can replace the default filenames with band names, and rename the third
dimension as follows:

bands = c("Blue", "Green", "Red", "NIR")
# rename bands and dimension
rasters = st_set_dimensions(rasters, 3, values = bands, names = "band")
names(rasters) = "Landsat" # rename the object

## Sampling

For modeling, we need to use a smaller sample rather than the entire dataset.
Drawing training points consists of several steps, which are shown below:

bbox = st_as_sfc(st_bbox(rasters)) # define a bounding box
smp = st_sample(bbox, size = 20000) # sample points from the extent of the polygon
smp = st_extract(rasters, smp) # extract the pixel values for those points
smp = st_drop_geometry(st_as_sf(smp)) # convert to a data frame (remove geometry)
smp = na.omit(smp) # remove missing values (NA)

## Modelling

The aim of our analysis is to perform unsupervised classification (clustering)
of raster pixels based on spectral bands. In other words, we want to group similar
cells together to make homogeneous clusters. A popular method is the Gaussian
mixture models available in the **mclust** package. Clustering can be done using
the `Mclust()` function and requires the target number of clusters to be defined
in advance (e.g. `G = 6`).

```{r message=FALSE}
mdl = Mclust(smp, G = 6) # train the model

## Prediction

As stated earlier, the entire raster is too large to be loaded into memory.
We need to split it into smaller blocks. For this, we can use the `st_tile()`
function, which requires the total number of rows and columns, and the number
of rows and columns of a small block (for example, it could be 2048 x 2048,
but usually we should find the optimal size).

tiles = st_tile(nrow(rasters), ncol(rasters), 2048, 2048)

Finally, the input raster will be divided into `r nrow(tiles)` smaller blocks.
In the following sections, we will compare the performance of single-threaded
and multi-threaded processing.

Now let's discuss what steps we need to take to make a prediction:

1. We have `r nrow(tiles)` blocks, so we need to make predictions in a loop.
2. We have to load the rasters, but this time into memory (`proxy = FALSE`) and
only the block (`RasterIO = tiles[iterator, ]`).
3. We use the `predict()` function for clustering. Note we need to define the
`drop_dimensions = TRUE` argument to remove the coordinates from the data frame.
4. Finally, we have to save the clustering results to disk (it can be a temporary
directory). Be sure to specify the missing values (`NA_value = 0`) and the block
size as the input (`chunk_size = dim(tile)`).

**Note!** The `read_stars()` function opens the connection to the file and closes
it each time, which causes overhead. With a large number of blocks, this can
significantly affect performance. In this case, it is better to use a low-level
API, e.g. **[gdalraster](**.

### Single thread

start_time = Sys.time()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(tiles))) {
tile = read_stars(files, proxy = FALSE, RasterIO = tiles[i, ])
names(tile) = bands # rename bands
pr = predict(tile, mdl, drop_dimensions = TRUE)
pr = pr[1] # select only clusters from output
save_path = file.path(tempdir(), paste0("tile_", i, ".tif"))
write_stars(pr, save_path, NA_value = 0, options = "COMPRESS=NONE",
type = "Byte", chunk_size = dim(tile))
end_time_1 = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
end_time_1 = round(end_time_1)

The prediction took `r as.integer(end_time_1)` seconds.

### Multiple threads

Multithreaded prediction is a bit more complicated. This requires the use of
two additional packages, i.e. **foreach** and **doParallel**. Now we need to
setup a parallel backend by defining the number of available threads (or by
detecting them automatically using `detectCores()`) in `makeCluster()`, and then
registering the cluster using the `registerDoParallel()` function. This can be
accomplished, for instance, with:

```{r message=FALSE}
threads = 3 # specify number of threads
cl = makeCluster(threads)

Once we have the computing cluster prepared, we can write a loop that will be
executed in parallel. Instead of the standard `for()` loop, we will use `foreach()`
with the `%dopar%` operator. In `foreach()` we need to define an iterator and
packages that will be exported to each worker. Then we use the `%dopar%` operator
and write the core of the function (it is identical as in the single-threaded

packages = c("stars", "mclust")
start_time = Sys.time()
tifs = foreach(i = seq_len(nrow(tiles)), .packages = packages) %dopar% {
tile = read_stars(files, proxy = FALSE, RasterIO = tiles[i, ], NA_value = 0)
names(tile) = bands
pr = predict(tile, mdl, drop_dimensions = TRUE)
pr = pr[1]
save_path = file.path(tempdir(), paste0("tile_", i, ".tif"))
write_stars(pr, save_path, NA_value = 0, options = "COMPRESS=NONE",
type = "Byte", chunk_size = dim(tile))
end_time_2 = difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
end_time_2 = round(end_time_2)

The prediction took `r as.integer(end_time_2)` seconds. By using three threads
instead of one, we have cut the operation time by half!

## Post-processing

We have our raster blocks saved in a temporary directory. The final step is to
make a mosaic (that is, to combine the blocks into a single raster). I recommend
using GDAL tools, as they provide the best performance when there are a large
number of blocks. We can use:

1. `buildvrt` to create a virtual mosaic.
2. `translate` to save as a geotiff.

We can call these tools using the `gdal_utils()` function from the **sf** package.

vrt = tempfile(fileext = ".vrt")
gdal_utils(util = "buildvrt", unlist(tifs), destination = vrt)
gdal_utils(util = "translate", vrt, destination = "predict.tif")

Once the parallel computation is complete, we can close the computing cluster
using `stopCluster()` function (this will delete the temporary files).


So let's see what our final map looks like.

```{r message=FALSE}
clustering = read_stars("predict.tif")
colors = c("#29a329", "#cbcbcb", "#ffffff", "#086209", "#fdd327", "#064d06")
names = c("Low vegetation", "Bare soil", "Cloud", "Forest 1", "Cropland", "Forest 2")
clustering[[1]] = factor(clustering[[1]], labels = names)
plot(clustering, main = NULL, col = colors)
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