The XMetaDissPlus OAI plugin for OMP has been developed at UB Heidelberg. It enables the OAI transfer of metadata that is consistent with the XMetaDissPlus format defined by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB).
The XMetaDissPlus OAI Plugin relies on the XMetaDissPlus Metadata plugin for OMP to format the metadata. See its README for information on how to install and configure this plugin.
To generate a valid record, XMetaDissPlus requires the existence of a public identifier. You can either enable the OMP DOI plugin (
Management > Settings > Website > Plugins > Public Identifier Plugins > DOI
) that is included in OMP or install and enable the URN DNB plugin for OMP.
git clone omp/plugins/oaiMetadataFormats/xmdp
php omp/tools/upgrade.php upgrade
You can report issues here:
This software is released under the the GNU General Public License.
See the COPYING included with OMP for the terms of this license.