Release repository for repositories
Additional modules:
- Playerbots
- Playerbots level brackets
- Auctionator
- Transmog
- Progression
- Hardcore
- Skip DK starting area
- Acore mall
- Eluna
Additional features:
- Trion control panel (Server launcher)
- Website (Simple website + armory + playermap)
- WoWSim (SimulationCraft alternative)
- Keria3 (Database editor)
Client addons:
- AzerothCoreAdmin
- AuctionnerSuite (working with AzerothCore)
- DBM (modern version)
- Multibot (supported playerbot control)
- Unbot (unsupported playerbot control)
- WowSimsExporter (String exporter for WoWSim)
- Transmog addons (dedicated for module)
- install dependencies from folder Installations.
IMPORTANT: Script xampp.bat must be run always when ASP change location - restart computer
- download WoW 3.3.5 client
Modern (Zavarius): - change file located in WoW client Data/enUS/ on "set realmlist"
- to start server run file Start.bat. After launcher startup click buttons in order Database, World, Logon
- run game (default account admin/123456 which have GM)
- to start website click button "Website" in launcher. Website is available on address "localhost"
- to stop server click buttons in order Logon, World, Database
IMPORTANT: Never close server by closing all windows. It can corrupt your database!!!
- custom db modification can break update script!!!
- configs will be overridden because often structure changes!!!
IMPORTANT: backup whole server before update
- Replace all files
- Run script "Install xampp" from Installation folder
- Reapply custom settings (especial progression)
If you need support then community support is on discord (channel spp-wotlk)
If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee
- playerbots dont work in Strand of the Ancients (issue: liyunfan1223/mod-playerbots#559)
- playerbots dont work in Isle of Conquest
- playerbots dont queue on Wintergrasp
Instruction is in Extensions/Pdump converter. Not all repacks are supported.
Use launcher database editor and change "Address" (not "Local Address") and save. Change content in WoW client. Setup firewall to allow traffic for ports 8085 and 3724.
Detailed instruction is in file ASP/Extensions/Progression/Progression - instruction.txt
Addons are located in folder ASP/Extensions/Addons. Copy them to your WoW Client Interface folder.
Use command GM command ".transmog portable"
Use in-game command ".transmog sync"
Login: acore Password: acore
Open ASP/Server/config/modules/playerbots.conf.dist file in notepad and search phrase "# PvP Enabled". Comment and uncomment right variant (# on beginning line mean commented line) and restart world server Open Server/config/worldserver.conf file in notepad and search phrase "GameType". Change that value on 8 for open world pvp.
- create other accounts using azerothcore command ".account create accountname password"
- create characters which you want in your guild (max 10 per account)
- adjust characters
- use azerothcore command ".char level 80" to change bot level
- use playerbot command "talents" to check current bot spec
- use playerbot command "talents spec list" to check available for bot class specs
- use playerbot command "talents spec specname" to switch bot to specific spec
- use playerbot command "autogear" to gear bot for current spec
- use playerbot command "maintenance" to learn all spell and skills, enchant gear and supplement consumables for current spec
- create guild using azerothcore command ".guild create GuildMasterCharacterName "Guild Name""
- add all bots to guild using azerothcore command "guild invite botname "Guild Name"
Go to ASP\Server\tools\Trion Control Panel and in TrionControlPanelDesktop.exe properties tab Compatibility set override high DPI scaling behavior on System (Enhanced).
Talk with The Lich King a use option "I wish to skip the Death Knight starter questline"