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feat(tcga): heat map #111
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jyaacoub committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent 9d561da commit 80e7ddc
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 120 deletions.
248 changes: 128 additions & 120 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,128 +1,136 @@
#%% 1.Gather data for davis,kiba and pdbbind datasets
import os
import os, logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from src.analysis.utils import combine_dataset_pids
from src import config as cfg
ROOT_DIR = "../downloads"
kumar_db = False
merge_by_prot_id = False

# making sure NA doesnt get dropped due to pandas parsing it as NaN
tcga_tss = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/tcga_code_tables/tissueSourceSite.tsv', sep='\t', keep_default_na=False, na_values=['-1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '#N/A N/A', '#N/A', 'N/A', 'n/a','', '#NA', 'NULL', 'null', 'NaN', '-NaN', 'nan', '-nan', ''])
tcga_tss['Study Name'] = tcga_tss['Study Name'].str.strip()
tcga_bcr = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/tcga_code_tables/bcrBatchCode.tsv', sep='\t', keep_default_na=False, na_values=['-1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '#N/A N/A', '#N/A', 'N/A', 'n/a','', '#NA', 'NULL', 'null', 'NaN', '-NaN', 'nan', '-nan', ''])
tcga_codes = tcga_tss.merge(tcga_bcr.drop_duplicates(subset='Study Name'), on='Study Name', how='left')
tcga_codes = tcga_codes[['TSS Code', 'Study Abbreviation']]

#%% Load up db
if kumar_db:
df_tcga = pd.DataFrame()
for f in os.listdir('/home/jean/projects/data/tcga_kumars/TCGA_hg38/'):
fp = os.path.join('/home/jean/projects/data/tcga_kumars/TCGA_hg38/', f)
print('\n', '-'*20)
df_tmp = pd.read_csv(fp, sep='\t', dtype=str)

# dropping unnneccessary columns
df_tmp = df_tmp[['Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'SWISSPROT',
'Variant_Type', 'Variant_Classification']]
df_tmp['case'] = df_tmp['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str[:12]
df_tmp['uniprot'] = df_tmp['SWISSPROT'].str.split('_').str[0]
df_tcga = pd.concat([df_tcga, df_tmp], axis=0)
df_tcga = pd.read_csv(f'/cluster/home/t122995uhn/projects/data/tcga/mc3/mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf',
sep='\t', na_filter=False)
df_tcga = df_tcga[['Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'SWISSPROT',
'Variant_Type', 'Variant_Classification']]
df_tcga['case'] = df_tcga['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str[:12]
df_tcga['uniprot'] = df_tcga['SWISSPROT'].str.split('_').str[0]

# merge with tcga codes
# Using second id to match with TSS code for cancer type
df_tcga['TSS Code'] = df_tcga['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str.split('-').str[1]
df_tcga = df_tcga.merge(tcga_codes, on='TSS Code', how='left')

# 3. Drop duplicates
print(df_tcga_uni['Study Abbreviation'].value_counts())

#%% 4. Merging df_prots with TCGA
df_prots = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/test_prots_gene_names.csv')
# df_prots = df_prots[df_prots.db != 'BindingDB']

if merge_by_prot_id:
dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db != 'davis'],
left_on='uniprot', right_on='prot_id', how='inner')

# for davis we have to merge on HUGO_SYMBOLS
dfm_davis = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db == 'davis'],
left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='prot_id', how='inner')

dfm = pd.concat([dfm,dfm_davis], axis=0)
del dfm_davis # to save mem
else: # merge by gene name
dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots,
left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='gene_name', how='inner')

dfm['Study Abbreviation'].value_counts()

# %% 5. Post filtering step
# 5.1. Filter for only those sequences with matching sequence length (to get rid of nonmatched isoforms)
# seq_len_x is from tcga, seq_len_y is from our dataset
tmp = len(dfm)
# allow for some error due to missing amino acids from pdb file in PDBbind dataset
# - assumption here is that isoforms will differ by more than 50 amino acids
dfm = dfm[(dfm.seq_len_y <= dfm.seq_len_x) & (dfm.seq_len_x<= dfm.seq_len_y+50)]
print(f"Filter #1 (seq_len) : {tmp:5d} - {tmp-len(dfm):5d} = {len(dfm):5d}")

# 5.2. Filter out those that dont have the same reference seq according to the "Protein_position" and "Amino_acids" col

# Extract mutation location and reference amino acid from 'Protein_position' and 'Amino_acids' columns
dfm['mt_loc'] = pd.to_numeric(dfm['Protein_position'].str.split('/').str[0])
dfm = dfm[dfm['mt_loc'] < dfm['seq_len_y']]
dfm[['ref_AA', 'mt_AA']] = dfm['Amino_acids'].str.split('/', expand=True)

dfm['db_AA'] = dfm.apply(lambda row: row['prot_seq'][row['mt_loc']-1], axis=1)

# Filter #2: Match proteins with the same reference amino acid at the mutation location
tmp = len(dfm)
dfm = dfm[dfm['db_AA'] == dfm['ref_AA']]
print(f"Filter #2 (ref_AA match): {tmp:5d} - {tmp-len(dfm):5d} = {len(dfm):5d}")

# %% final seq len distribution

n_bins = 25
lengths = dfm.seq_len_x
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))

# Plot histogram
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(lengths, bins=n_bins, color='blue', alpha=0.7)
ax.set_title('TCGA final filtering for db matches')

# Add counts to each bin
for count, x, patch in zip(n, bins, patches):
ax.text(x + 0.5, count, str(int(count)), ha='center', va='bottom')

ax.set_xlabel('Sequence Length')


# %% Getting updated sequences
def apply_mut(row):
ref_seq = list(row['prot_seq'])
ref_seq[row['mt_loc']-1] = row['mt_AA']
return ''.join(ref_seq)

dfm['mt_seq'] = dfm.apply(apply_mut, axis=1)

# get all prots
def add_gene_name(df, biomart="/cluster/home/t122995uhn/projects/data/tcga/mart_export.tsv"):
bdf = pd.read_csv(biomart, sep='\t')
bdf['PDB ID'] = bdf['PDB ID'].str.lower()

df_davis = df[df.db == 'davis']
df_davis['gene'] = df_davis['code']

df_pdbbind = df[df.db == 'PDBbindDataset'].merge(bdf.drop_duplicates(subset='PDB ID'),
left_on='code', right_on="PDB ID", how="left")
df_kiba = df[df.db == 'kiba'].merge(bdf.drop_duplicates(subset='UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID'),
left_on='prot_id',right_on="UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID", how="left")

df_pdb_kiba = pd.concat([df_pdbbind, df_kiba], axis=0)
df_pdb_kiba.drop(['PDB ID', 'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID'], inplace=True, axis=1)
df_pdb_kiba.rename({'Gene name':'gene'}, inplace=True, axis=1)

return pd.concat([df_pdb_kiba, df_davis], axis=0)

def load_TCGA(tcga_maf= "../data/tcga/mc3/mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf", tcga_code_tables_dir='../data/tcga_code_tables/'):
# making sure NA doesnt get dropped due to pandas parsing it as NaN
tcga_codes_kwargs = dict(sep='\t', keep_default_na=False,
na_values=['-1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '#N/A N/A', '#N/A', 'N/A',
'n/a', '', '#NA', 'NULL', 'null', 'NaN', '-NaN', 'nan', '-nan', ''])

tcga_tss = pd.read_csv(f'{tcga_code_tables_dir}/tissueSourceSite.tsv',**tcga_codes_kwargs)
tcga_tss['Study Name'] = tcga_tss['Study Name'].str.strip()
tcga_bcr = pd.read_csv(f'{tcga_code_tables_dir}/bcrBatchCode.tsv', **tcga_codes_kwargs)
tcga_codes = tcga_tss.merge(tcga_bcr.drop_duplicates(subset='Study Name'), on='Study Name', how='left')
tcga_codes = tcga_codes[['TSS Code', 'Study Abbreviation']]

# Load up db
df_tcga = pd.read_csv(tcga_maf, sep='\t', na_filter=False,
usecols=['Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'SWISSPROT',
'Variant_Type', 'Variant_Classification', 'TREMBL'])
# merge with tcga codes
# Using second id to match with TSS code for cancer type
df_tcga['TSS Code'] = df_tcga['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str[5:7]
df_tcga = df_tcga.merge(tcga_codes, on='TSS Code', how='left')
return df_tcga

def plot_tcga_heat_map(prots_df=None, tcga_df=None, merged_df=None, top=10, title_prot_subset="all proteins",
title_postfix='', axis=None, show=True):
"""Returns merged dataframe of prots and tcga maf file on "gene" column"""
if isinstance(prots_df, str):
prots_df = add_gene_name(pd.read_csv(prots_df))

assert not (prots_df is None and tcga_df is None) or merged_df, "Either provide a merged dataframe or both prots_df and tcga_df"

if merged_df is None:
logging.debug("Merging TCGA MAF with proteins")
merged_df = tcga_df.merge(prots_df, left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='gene', how='inner')

# narrow heat map to just the top cancers/genes
top_x_cancers = list(merged_df.value_counts('Study Abbreviation').index[:top])
top_x_genes = list(merged_df.value_counts('gene').index[:top])

filtered_merged_df = merged_df[merged_df['Study Abbreviation'].isin(top_x_cancers)]
filtered_merged_df = filtered_merged_df[filtered_merged_df['gene'].isin(top_x_genes)]

grps = filtered_merged_df.groupby(['Study Abbreviation', 'Hugo_Symbol'])

logging.debug("Building matrix with cancers, genes as the rows and columns respectively")
matrix = np.zeros((len(top_x_cancers), len(top_x_genes)))

for (cancer, gene), v in grps.groups.items():
i_cancer = top_x_cancers.index(cancer)
i_gene = top_x_genes.index(gene)
matrix[i_cancer, i_gene] = len(v)

logging.debug("Plotting heatmap:")
if axis is None:
_, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
heatmap = axis.pcolor(matrix,

# Set ticks at the center of each cell
axis.set_xticks(np.arange(matrix.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False)
axis.set_yticks(np.arange(matrix.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False)

# Set tick labels
axis.set_xticklabels(top_x_genes, minor=False)
axis.set_yticklabels(top_x_cancers, minor=False)
axis.tick_params('x', labelrotation=45)

axis.set_ylabel('Cancer Type')
axis.set_xlabel('Gene Name')
axis.set_title(f"Cancer type - gene counts for {title_prot_subset}{title_postfix}")
if show:

return merged_df

# df_tcga = load_TCGA()

# df_tcga_uni['case'] = df_tcga_uni['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str[:12]
# df_tcga_uni['uniprot'] = df_tcga_uni['SWISSPROT'].str.split('_').str[0]
# df_tcga_uni['uniprot2'] = df_tcga_uni['TREMBL'].str.split(',').str[0].str.split('_').str[0]

# print(df_tcga_uni['Study Abbreviation'].value_counts())

cases = [True,False]
test_df = pd.read_csv('../downloads/test_prots_gene_names.csv').rename({'gene_name':'gene'}, axis=1)
csvs = {
'all proteins': "../downloads/all_prots.csv",
'test proteins with BindingDB': test_df,
'test proteins': test_df[test_df.db != 'BindingDB'],

_, axes = plt.subplots(len(csvs),len(cases), figsize=(12*len(cases),8*len(csvs)))

for i, DROP_DUP_CASES in enumerate([True, False]):
df_tcga_uni = df_tcga.drop_duplicates(subset='Tumor_Sample_Barcode') if DROP_DUP_CASES else df_tcga

for j, k in enumerate(csvs.keys()):
merged_df = plot_tcga_heat_map(csvs[k], df_tcga_uni, merged_df=None,
title_postfix=' (unique cases)' if DROP_DUP_CASES else '',
axis=axes[j][i], show=False)

# %%

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