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fixed (or hacked anyway) a sorting bug that caused problems with larg…
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…e sacct queries. basically, you can get lots of dupes when you break up a sacct query (for jobs that span the jobs subdomains). modified the index columt to be an index of the whole list, rather than the subqueries.
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markyoder committed Apr 22, 2022
1 parent 47c99c4 commit d16fd6a
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 27 deletions.
19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,20 @@
#SBATCH -o sacct_sherlock_out_normal.out
#SBATCH -e sacct_sherlock_out_normal.err
#SBATCH -p normal
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4g
# can we pass "\t" correctly? maybe for now, just use the HPC standard "|" as a delimiter...
#srun sacct -a -p --delimiter="|" --${STARTTIME} --format=User,Group,GID,JobID,Jobname,partition,state,Submit,time,Eligible,start,end,elapsed,MaxRss,MaxVMSize,nnodes,ncpus,SystemCPU,UserCPU,TotalCPU,Suspended

srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2019-08-16 --endtime=2019-09-15 --format=${FORMAT}
srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2019-09-16 --endtime=2019-10-15 --format=${FORMAT}
srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2019-10-16 --endtime=2019-11-15 --format=${FORMAT}
srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2019-11-16 --endtime=2019-12-15 --format=${FORMAT}
srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2019-12-16 --endtime=2020-01-15 --format=${FORMAT}
srun sacct --allusers --partition=$PARTITION -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=2020-01-16 --endtime=2020-02-15 --format=${FORMAT}

#srun sacct --allusers --partition=hns -p --delimiter="|" --starttime=${STARTTIME} --endtime=${ENDTIME} --format=${FORMAT}
sacct --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2022-03-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2022-04-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}

sacct --noheader --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2022-02-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2022-03-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}
sacct --noheader --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2022-01-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2022-02-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}
sacct --noheader --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2021-12-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2022-01-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}
sacct --noheader --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2021-11-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2021-12-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}
sacct --noheader --partition=normal --delimiter="|" -p --allusers --starttime=2021-10-01T00:00:00 --endtime=2021-11-01T00:00:00 --format=${FORMAT}

110 changes: 94 additions & 16 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1336,9 +1336,9 @@ class SACCT_data_direct(SACCT_data_handler):
format_list_default = ['User', 'Group', 'GID', 'Jobname', 'JobID', 'JobIDRaw', 'partition', 'state', 'time', 'ncpus',
'nnodes', 'Submit', 'Eligible', 'start', 'end', 'elapsed', 'SystemCPU', 'UserCPU',
'TotalCPU', 'NTasks', 'CPUTimeRaw', 'Suspended', 'ReqTRES', 'AllocTRES']
def __init__(self, group=None, partition=None, delim='|', start_date=None, end_date=None, more_options=[], delta_t_days=30,
def __init__(self, group=None, partition=None, delim='|', start_date=None, end_date=None, more_options=[], delta_t_days=10,
format_list=None, n_cpu=None, types_dict=None, verbose=0, chunk_size=1000,
h5out_file=None, keep_raw_data=False, n_points_usage=1000,
h5out_file=None, keep_raw_data=False, raw_output_file=None, n_points_usage=1000,
# TODO: this is a mess. I think it needs to be a bit nominally sloppier, then cleaner -- so maybe read the first block,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1387,7 +1387,6 @@ def __init__(self, group=None, partition=None, delim='|', start_date=None, end_d
options_str += f' --{op}={vl} '

# process start_/end_date
if end_date is None or end_date == '':
Expand All @@ -1404,17 +1403,32 @@ def __init__(self, group=None, partition=None, delim='|', start_date=None, end_d
start_end_times = [(start_date, min(start_date + dtm.timedelta(days=delta_t_days), end_date))]
while start_end_times[-1][1] < end_date:
start_end_times += [[start_end_times[-1][1], min(start_end_times[-1][1] + dtm.timedelta(days=30), end_date) ]]
start_end_times += [[start_end_times[-1][1], min(start_end_times[-1][1] + dtm.timedelta(days=delta_t_days), end_date) ]]
self.start_end_times = start_end_times
self.__dict__.update({ky:val for ky,val in locals().items() if not ky in ('self', '__class__')})
print('*** DEBUG: Now execute load_sacct_data()')
print('*** DEBUG: Now execute load_sacct_data(); options_str={}'.format(options_str)) = self.load_sacct_data(options_str=options_str, format_string=format_string)
if not raw_output_file is None:
if raw_output_file.endswith('h5'):
# TODO: Not totally positive this works...
dta_to_h5 = array_to_hdf5_dataset(, dataset_name='raw_data', output_fname=raw_output_file, h5_mode='w', verbose=0)
with open('{}.csv'.format(os.path.splitext(raw_output_file)[0]), 'w' ) as fout:
fout.write('{}\n'.format('\t'.join( )
for rw in
print('*** DEBUG: load_sacct_data() executed. Compute calc_jobs_summary()')
print('*** DEBUG: data stuff: ', len(,
super(SACCT_data_direct, self).__init__(delim=delim, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, h5out_file=h5out_file, keep_raw_data=keep_raw_data,n_points_usage=n_points_usage, n_cpu=n_cpu, types_dict=types_dict, verbose=verbose, chunk_size=chunk_size, **kwargs)
Expand All @@ -1425,21 +1439,36 @@ def __init__(self, group=None, partition=None, delim='|', start_date=None, end_d
def load_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
def load_sacct_data(self, options_str='', format_string='', n_cpu=None, start_end_times=None, max_rows=None, verbose=False):
def load_sacct_data(self, options_str='', format_string='', n_cpu=None, start_end_times=None, max_rows=None, verbose=None):
n_cpu = n_cpu or self.n_cpu
n_cpu = n_cpu or 4
# might want to force n_cpu>1...
#n_cpu = numpy.min(n_cpu,2)
#, raw_data_out_file=None
#raw_data_out_file = raw_data_out or self.raw_data_out_file
verbose = verbose or self.verbose
verbose = verbose or False
start_end_times = start_end_times or self.start_end_times
sacct_str_template = self.sacct_str_template
# for reference, stash a copy of the ideal sacct str (ie, with full date range)
self.sacct_str = sacct_str_template.format(options_str, datetime_to_SLURM_datestring(start_end_times[0][0]),
datetime_to_SLURM_datestring(start_end_times[-1][-1]), format_string )
if verbose:
print(f'** DEBUG: sacct_str:: {self.sacct_str}')
if n_cpu == 1:
sacct_out = None
#sacct_out = None
data = None
for k, (start, stop) in enumerate(start_end_times):
if verbose:
print('** DEBUG: processing SACCT data, n_cpu=1, start: {}, end: {}'.format(start, stop))
#sacct_str = 'srun sacct {} {} -p --allusers --starttime={} --endtime={} --format={} '.format( ('--noheader' if k>0 else ''),
# options_str, datetime_to_SLURM_datestring(start),
# datetime_to_SLURM_datestring(stop), format_string )
Expand All @@ -1449,12 +1478,27 @@ def load_sacct_data(self, options_str='', format_string='', n_cpu=None, start_en
if verbose: print('** [{}]: {}\n'.format(k, sacct_str))
#sacct_out +=, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode()
if sacct_out is None:
sacct_out = self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str)
#TODO: this is not appending correctly. Maybe return as lists and construct structued array here?
#if sacct_out is None:
if data is None:
#sacct_out = self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str)
XX = self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str, with_headers=True, as_dict=True)
data = XX['data']
headers = XX['headers']
# will appending work, or do we need to handle the headers, etc. in a more sophisticated way? This is still
# inefficient; there is a bit of copying, etc. that should be optimized later.
sacct_out = numpy.append(sacct_out, self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str) )
# TODO: No. Appending does not work; something does not promote (or something) needs to be returned as a list or
# collected and copied into the array like in the MPP model.
#sacct_out = numpy.append(sacct_out, self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str) )
data += self.get_and_process_sacct_data(sacct_str, with_headers=False)
sacct_out = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=headers).to_records()
del data
# TODO: consolidate spp,mpp methods...
with mpp.Pool(n_cpu) as P:
Expand All @@ -1468,7 +1512,7 @@ def load_sacct_data(self, options_str='', format_string='', n_cpu=None, start_en
if not max_rows is None:
kw_prams['max_rows'] = int(numpy.ceil(max_rows/n_cpu))
if verbose: print('*** DEBUG: len: ', len(sacct_str))
if verbose: print('*** DEBUG: sacct_str: ', sacct_str )
R += [P.apply_async(self.get_and_process_sacct_data, kwds=kw_prams )]
# is this the right syntax?
Expand All @@ -1481,13 +1525,20 @@ def load_sacct_data(self, options_str='', format_string='', n_cpu=None, start_en
for k,R in enumerate(Rs):
n = len(R)
if verbose: print('*** DEBUG: len(R): ', len(R) )
for col in R.dtype.names:

#if not raw_data_out_file is None:
# 'index' column will be unique only to each process, so reset to the whole set. We use it to make sorting
# unambiguous. Note that breaking up the sacct query creates lots of duplicate records. When we also have
# duplicat 'index', we get NoneType sorting errors.
sacct_out['index'] = numpy.arange(len(sacct_out))
return sacct_out
Expand All @@ -1501,12 +1552,20 @@ def get_and_process_sacct_data(self, sacct_str='', max_rows=None, delim=None, wi
# with_headers==True && as_dict==True: returns dict {'headers':headers, 'data':data}
# with_headers==True && as_dict==False: default config, returns a recordarray()
# with_headers==False: returns just the data as a list.
# TODO: large queryies can fail with "results too big" from sacct. Sadly, we can't really anticipate when that will happen.
# It's worth seeing if this is memory limited or an actual SACCT restriction.
# Possibly, but this is ambitions, add better error handling to split up a query into smaller queries until they succeed.
# or just default to shorter activity intervals.
if delim is None:
delim = self.delim
if delim is None:
delim = '|'
if as_dict:
# as_dict requires headers; returns {'headers': headers, 'data':data}
# NOTE: instead of scctt_str.split(), we can just use the shell=True option.
sacct_output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().split('\n')
Expand All @@ -1523,8 +1582,11 @@ def get_and_process_sacct_data(self, sacct_str='', max_rows=None, delim=None, wi
data = [self.process_row(rw.replace('\"', ''), headers=headers, RH=RH) for k,rw in enumerate(sacct_output[1:]) if (max_rows is None or k<max_rows) and len(rw)>1 ]
# NOTER: added this (Very inefficient) step because I though it was failing to sort on the sort fields. It was really failing to sort on an empty set, so I think
# we can skip this.
# exclude any rows with no submit date or jobid. I hate to nest this sort of logic here, but we seem to get these from time to time. I don't see how they can be valid.
data = [rw for rw in data if not (rw[RH['JobID']] is None or rw[RH['JobID']]=='' or rw[RH['Submit']] is None or rw[RH['Submit']])=='' ]
# that said... I think this was supposed to fix something that is not actually happening, so we can probably omit this step.
#data = [rw for rw in data if not (rw[RH['JobID']] is None or rw[RH['JobID']]=='' or rw[RH['Submit']] is None or rw[RH['Submit']])=='' ]
# pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=active_headers).to_records()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1683,6 +1745,9 @@ def add_fig_slide(self, fig_title='Figure', width='.8', fig_path=''):
# newer versions of latex. I also sometimes just replace "_" -> "-". handing this bluntly here may be a problem, since shouldn't we be able to use a forumula
# as a title??? So we shold probably be rigorous and confirm that "_" is (not) wrapped in "$", or handle it on the input side... For now, let's handle the input.
# Anyway, we need this to be smart enough to handle corrected input (aka, modify "_" but not "\_")
rel_path = os.path.relpath(fig_path, self.output_path)
self.project_tex['slide_{}'.format(len(self.project_tex))] = self.tex_templates['figslide'].format(fig_title=fig_title, width=width, fig_path=fig_path)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2551,10 +2616,23 @@ def calc_jobs_summary(data=None, verbose=0, n_cpu=None, step_size=1000):
if n_cpu > 1:
# this should sort in place, which could cause problems downstream, so let's use an index:
print('*** DEBUG: data[JobID]: {}, data[Submit]: {}'.format( (None in data['JobID']), (None in data['Submit']) ))
ix_s = numpy.argsort(data, axis=0, order=['JobID', 'Submit'], kind='stable')
working_data = data[ix_s]
working_data.sort(axis=0, order=['JobID', 'Submit'], kind='stable')
# Getting some "can't sort None type" errors:
print('*** DEBUG: type(data), len(data): ', type(data), len(data) )
#print('*** DEBUG: nans in JobID?: ', numpy.isnan(data['JobID']).any() )
print('*** DEBUG: nans in Submit?: ', numpy.isnan(data['Submit']).any() )
print('*** DEGUG: Nones in JobID: ', numpy.sum([s is None for s in data['JobID']]))
# NOTE: sorts by named order=[] fields, then in order as they appear in dtype, to break any ties. When we have LOTS of
# records, particularly with jobarrays maybe? this can trigger attempts to sort on None I guess, so maybe we can
# specify
#ix_s = numpy.argsort(data, axis=0, order=['JobID', 'Submit', 'index'], kind=sort_kind)
#working_data = data[ix_s]
working_data = data[:]
working_data.sort(axis=0, order=['JobID', 'Submit'], kind=sort_kind)
#ks = numpy.append(numpy.arange(0, len(data), step_size), [len(data)+1] )
ks = numpy.array([*numpy.arange(0, len(data), step_size), len(data)+1])
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=sacct_reports_dev
#SBATCH --partition=serc
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8g
#SBATCH --output=sacct_report_batcher_%j.out
#SBATCH --error=sacct_report_batcher_%j.out
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
module purge
module load anaconda-cees-beta/
module load system texlive/
echo "*** DEBUG: Execute script: ${CMD}"
echo "*** DEBUG: Script (hopefully) executed."

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