This repository contains archived and in-progress spec documents for APIs in the Windows UI Library (WinUI):
Documents in this repo are used as part of Microsoft's WinUI spec review process for features in development and are not intended to be up-to-date developer documentation.
For up-to-date developer documentation on WinUI and related APIs please see:
For product issues, bugs, and feature requests please use the main WinUI repo:
This repo is maintained by the Microsoft WinUI team.
- provide feedback on active pull requests, which represent new features that are being reviewed
- provide feedback on spec documents in the
folder, which represent new features that are being worked on for a future release
- provide feedback on spec documents in the
folder since those features have already been released. Please contribute feedback or suggested changes to instead. - send us unsolicited PRs that add new specs. To propose a new feature, please follow the WinUI contribution process described here which starts with opening an issue in the WinUI repo: - rely on this repo for final developer documentation. Please see
For WinUI team members, the workflow to author specs is:
Ensure your proposal is approved and in plan.
Create a new working branch:
Create a new folder for your spec under the
Author your spec using the spec template.
Please use relative links for images or other assets in the folder. -
When your spec is ready for review:
- Open a new pull request to merge your spec to the
branch - Update your proposal issue with a link to the spec PR
- Open a new pull request to merge your spec to the
Review spec in checkpoint meetings to close open issues.
When your spec is complete and signed off, merge the PR.
Use your completed spec as the basis for Microsoft Docs articles and Controls Gallery samples.
Once the feature is documented:
- Close the proposal issue
- Add the following header to your spec:
This spec is archived and may not be up to date.
For up-to-date developer documentation please see:<insert link>
- Move your spec from
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Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries. The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks. Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at
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