This skill will alow you to play just about anything from a Spotify Premium account on any Chromecast device in your house. You will need to create both Amazon and Spotify developer accounts. The installation instructions below should help you get started.
- Install libspotfy globally for your OS
- Install ngrok globally
- Pull down repo (using git clone or download the zip from github)
- Run npm install (this assumes you have node already installed)
- Install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev (if necessary)
- Start ngrok using the provided yml file (ngrok start -config /path/to/ngrok.yml --all)
- Create a Spotify Developer account and create a new application
- Create an .env file in the root Songcast directory and add the following lines
username="your spotify username"
password="your spotify password"
defaultDevice="a default chromecast device"
redirectUri="a locally hosted ngrok url"
clientId="clientId from Spotify"
clientSecret="clientSecret from Spotify"
- Start Songcast by calling "node index.js"
- Setup Songcast skill on Amazon Dev Console
- Copy utterances/schema into app on Amazon (can be found by running in debug mode and hitting localhost:3000/songcast after getting a valid Spotify token)
- Setup Account linking using Auth Code Grant as the Authorization Grant Type
- Copy ngrok URL into app on Amazon
Cast the song {track} to {device}
Cast song {track} to {device}
Cast {track} to {device}
Cast the song {track} by {artist} to {device}
Cast song {track} by {artist} to {device}
Cast {track} by {artist} to {device}
Cast {playlist} playlist to {device}
Playlist {playlist} to {device}
Start playlist {playlist} to {device}
Cast songs from my {playlist} playlist to {device}
Cast playlist {playlist} to {device}
Cast artist {artist} to {device}
Cast songs by {artist} to {device}
Cast top songs by {artist} to {device}
Cast top tracks by {artist} to {device}
Cast music by {artist} to {device}
Cast tracks by {artist} to {device}
Cast the album {album} to {device}
Cast album {album} to {device}