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Lightning Jet is a fully automated rebalancer for Lightning nodes. Jet optimizes channel liquidity allocation based on routing volume, missed routing opportunities (htlcs), and other variables.


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Lightning Jet 🚀⚡️, or simply Jet

Lightning Jet is a fully automated rebalancer for nodes on the Lightning Network. Jet facilitates routing by moving channel liquidity to where its needed the most, taking into account routing volume, missed routing opportunities (htlcs), and a variety of other factors.

Jet runs as a daemon (background service) on a broad range of supported platforms. It categorizes peers into inbound and outbound based on routing volume; it then rebalances the channels (via circular rebalancing), ensuring sufficient liquidity (inbound and outbound) for bi-directional routing.

Lightning Jet's mission is to assist independent node operators in competing in the ever-changing landscape of the Lightning Network as large institutional players enter the space.

Join Lightning Jet telegram chat.

Supported Platforms

You can install Lightning Jet on a laptop, desktop, Raspberry Pi, RaspiBlitz, myNode and other platforms.

You can use Lightning Jet to rebalance your node in Voltage Cloud. In this setup, Jet will connect to your node remotely via a secure connection.

You can install and run Lightning Jet in Docker (for advanced users with prior Docker experience).

Jet is available on EmbassyOS and can rebalance channels on Start9 products that run the OS.

Jet can be installed in Ubuntu VM on Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms.


Make sure to install node if you don't have it already. Run node -v to check if you have node and whether it is up to date (version 16.x+). Update node in case of an old version (this will also update npm).

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

The above command updates node binaries. Alternatively, you can download an installable for your platform.

Make sure npm is up to date (version 8.x) by running npm -v. Update npm in case of an old version; refer to node update steps above.

You may run into an issue of having multiple copies of npm installed if you update npm separately from node. Re-run npm -v after the update to ensure that your path is picking the update version. You can locate multiple copies by find / -name npm 2> /dev/null; identify the right copy of npm and update PATH in ~/.profile accordingly.


git clone
cd lightning-jet
npm install
nano ./api/config.json

Edit config.json: set correct absolute (not relative) paths for macaroonPath and tlsCertPath. On umbrel, macaroons are typically located at /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon, tls cert is at /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/tls.cert.

On umbrel0.5.0+, macaroons are located at /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon and tls cert at /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/tls.cert.

nano ~/.profile

Edit .profile: add a prefix $HOME/lightning-jet: to the line that says export PATH=. The line should look like this:

export PATH="$HOME/lightning-jet:<rest of your path, leave it as is>"

Add export PATH=$HOME/lightning-jet:$PATH to the end of .profile if the line does not exist.

Next, execute the updated .profile for your current terminal session. The path will be set automatically for all new sessions.

. ~/.profile

Test your path by running jet -v. Your path is set correctly if it prints out help. Fix the PATH in ~/.profile in case of an error.

Upgrade to Umbrel0.5.0 (Umbrel5)

Umbrel5 changed the location of macaroons and tls cert files. Edit config file to set correct paths for macaroons at /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon and tls cert at /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/tls.cert.

nano ./api/config.json


  • Install JET (following the above steps)
  • Set the following in config.json:
"macaroonPath": "/home/bos/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon"
"tlsCertPath": "/home/bos/.lnd/tls.cert"

The following step may not be necessary in case you get read access to channel.db via a symlink.

chmod +r /home/bos/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon

Start Jet

jet start daddy

The above is a watchdog service that will start and keep-alive rest of the sevices.

Familiarize yourself with Database Management and Logging.

How to use

Jet runs as a daemon (background process). You can interact with Jet by using the following command line tools:

jet help


jet peers Lists peers classified into inbound, outbound, and low-volume based on htlc history. Notable columns: p - % of [inbound or outbound] routing by the peer out of a total [inbound or outbound] across all peers; ppm - peer's current ppm rate; margin - rebalance will be profitable as long as its ppm is below the margin.
jet monitor Monitors ongoing rebalances, rebalance history, and stuck htlcs. Warns about the state of BOLT database (channel.db); for example, jet will warn when the channel.db grows over a threshold.
jet monitor --status Monitors the status of rebalances; shows whether rebalances are paused or active; provides recommendation for local ppm range.
jet stats Displays profitability metrics over a time period, including delta(s) with previous time period. Node operators can use this tool to A/B test new channels and fee updates on existing channels.
jet probes Displays nodes (discovered during probes) that have signaled a commitment to liquidity. This tool can be used to identify prospects for new channels.
jet htlc-analyzer Analyzes failed htlcs and lists peers sorted based on missed routing opportunities. Missed routing opportunities are typically due to [outbound] peers not having sufficient liquidity and/or having low fees.
jet htlc-analyzer ln2me --hours 12 Shows missed routing opportunities for ln2me node over the past 12 hours.
jet analyze-fees Analyzes fees for [outbound] peers and recommends whether to increase or decrease fees based on routing history.
jet analyze-fees WalletOfSatoshi Analyzes fees for WalletOfSatoshi and recommends to increase or decrease fees based on routing history.
jet fee-history Shows fee history for all peers.
jet fee-history d++ Shows fee history for d++.
jet htlc-history Shows total sats that peers routed based on htlc history. Notable columns: % of inbound or outbound routing by a peer out of total [inbound or outbound] across all peers; d% of [inbound or outbound] routing by a peer out of total routing [inbound & outbound] by the peer.
jet rebalance-history --hours 12 Shows rebalance history for all peers over the past 12 hours.
jet rebalance-history coingate --hours 12 Shows rebalance history for coingate over the past 12 hours.
jet rebalance d++ neski 500000 --ppm 550 --mins 30 Circular rebalance from dplus to neski for 5mil sats with 550 max ppm and a max runtime of 30 mins.
jet update-channel 769123776873431041 --base 1 --ppm 375 Sets the base fee to 1 msat and ppm to 375 sats per million for a channel with id of 769123776873431041.
jet reconnect Reconnects to disconnected peers (via BalancesOfSatoshis (bos) api)


This installation is for advanced users with prior Docker experiece. Refer here for a host-based installation on a laptop, desktop, Raspberry Pi, RaspiBlitz, myNode and other platforms.



git clone
cd lightning-jet
. docker/

Edit $HOME/.lightning-jet/config.json: set correct paths for macaroonPath and tlsCertPath. On Umbrel, macaroons are located at /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon, tls cert is at /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/tls.cert. Optional: list expensive nodes to avoid in the avoid section.

nano $HOME/.lightning-jet/config.json

Edit the docker/.env: set LND_DIR to your installation of LND (typically /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd). Set LND_HOSTNAME and LND_IP_ADDRESS to match your instance of LND. On Umbrel you can leave default LND_HOSTNAME. For LND_IP_ADDRESS run ifconfig -a | grep inet then select IP address that begins with 10.. Make sure that LND_CONFIG_FILE path is correct.

nano docker/.env

Build image

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build

This make take a while, make sure not to interrupt the process.

Start up daddy

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

Execute commands

Prepend all commands with docker exec -it lightning-jet:

docker exec -it lightning-jet jet help

Ubuntu VM

Lightning Jet can be installed in Ubuntu VM on Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms.

  1. Install VirtualBox and set up Ubuntu image

  2. Add user to the sudo group

  3. Install curl: sudo snap install curl

  4. Install node

  5. Install git: sudo apt install git

  6. Install jet

  7. Copy over admin.macaroon (and tls.cert if needed) as in Voltage Cloud

Voltage Cloud

Lightning Jet can rebalance your node in Voltage Cloud by connecting to it remotely via a secure grpc connection. You can select any platform (host-based or cloud, like AWS) to install Jet as long as it supports Node. Jet runs as a daemon (background process), so its best to select a platform that supports running Jet 24/7.

  1. Download admin.macaroon from Voltage Cloud, the option is visible on the front page when you log into the dashboard. Remember the location where you downloaded the file.

  2. Install Jet, skip the section that edits config.json. Run jet -v to ensure you get a valid response.

  3. Create a folder under lightning-jet, say voltage, and move admin.macaroon there. This will ensure that the macaroon file won't get accidentally deleted.

Next, update config.json by nano api/config.json:

  1. Set macaroonPath to the absolute (not relative) path of admin.macaroon file from the previous step, e.g. /home/umbrel/lightning-jet/voltage/admin.macaroon if on umbrel.

  2. Remove tlsCertPath from the config.

  3. Add serverAddress to config that points at API Endpoint, you can find it on the front page of Voltage Cloud dashboard. The value should be in the following format: <node alias>

Example of config file:

  "avoid": [
  "macaroonPath": "/home/umbrel/lightning-jet/voltage/admin.macaroon",
  "serverAddress": "<node alias>",
  "debugMode": false,
  "rebalancer": {
    "maxTime": 30,
    "maxPpm": 650,
    "maxAutoPpm": 500,
    "maxInstances": 40,
    "maxPendingHtlcs": 4,
    "enforceMaxPpm": false,
    "exclude": [

Run jet peers once installation is completed and ensure you get a correct answer as opposed to an error. jet start daddy to kick off Jet's automated rebalancer.

Telegram bot

Lightning Jet telegram bot (jet bot) will notify you about important events such as changes in fees for your remote peers.

To create jet bot: initiate a conversation with BotFather on your Telegram app. Then, select the bot's name (e.g., JET bot) and bot's username (e.g., JET_bot).

Copy the telegram token from the Telegram app chat with BotFather (right under 'Use this token to access the HTTP API:'). nano ./api/config.json to add the telegramToken setting with the above value (see config file example below).

jet start telegram to kick off the service. Make sure there are no errors. Then open a chat with the bot you just created in your Telegram app and type /start. This will kick off the communication between the Telegram bot with Jet. You only need to do this step once.

Make sure to restart the telegram service if it was already running prior to updating the config file: jet restart telegram.

Database management

Jet uses sqlite database to store operational data. The database is located under ./db/jet.db. You can monitor the size of individual tables by jet info --db. Jet automatically cleans old records, with the exception of two tables: rebalance_history that stores the history of rebalances and channel_events that stores the history of channel events (open/closed, active/inactive). To manage the size of those tables, first check the size by jet info --db, then add the following variables to config, set them to desired history depth (in days):

  "db": {
    "maxRebalanceHistoryDepth": "180",
    "maxChannelEventsDepth": "180"

In the above example, the rebalance_history and channel_events table depth is set to 180 days.

Restart the worker service: jet restart worker.


Each jet's service has a separate log file under /tmp directory: /tmp/jet-daddy.log, /tmp/jet-rebalancer.log, /tmp/jet-telegram.log, etc. Individual rebalances have separate log files under /tmp in the following format /tmp/rebalance_*. For example, /tmp/rebalance_WalletOfSatoshi_LNBiGlnd03.log corresponds to a rebalance from Wallet of Satosh to LNBig.

By default, the log level is set to info, with info, warnings and errors being logged. To see debug-level information, set the log level to debug by adding the following setting to the config:

  "log": {
    "level": "debug"

Restart the service(s) for the setting to take effect.

Config file

A list of config settings under ./api/config.json:

macaroonPath admin.macaroon absolute path for Jet connect to LND.
tlsCertPath tls cert absolute path for Jet connect to LND.
serverAddress server address and port number of lnd host; defaults to localhost:10009.
telegramToken The telegram bot token.
avoid A list of nodes to avoid during manual and automated rebalances. jet rebalance avoids expensive nodes automatically. the avoid setting can help speed things up by providing a static list of nodes to avoid.

Settings under rebalancer section:

maxPpm Maximum ppm for manual rebalances.
maxAutoPpm Maximum ppm for automated rebalances. This setting is typically lower than maxPpm since automated rebalances can spend more time looking for a cheaper route than manual rebalances.
maxTime Timeout rebalance after N minutes. This setting can be overridden by jet rebalance --mins parameter for manual rebalances.
maxInstances Maximum rebalance instances that the auto rebalancer can launch. Keep this setting lower if your node gets overloaded (e.g., monitor by top command).
maxPendingHtlcs Maximum number of pending htlcs that a peer can have for circular rebalance. Rebalance will be skipped otherwise.
enforceMaxPpm Controls whether jet will enforce max ppm default set by maxAutoPpm for all rebalances. By default, as long as rebalances are still profitable, jet may override the default max ppm with [outbound] peer's local ppm. With enforceMaxPpm set to true jet will cap the rebalances bymaxAutoPpm. The downside is that it may reduce the rebalance success rate for peers with local ppm being higher than the default max ppm.
enforceProfitability When set to true, jet will pause all non profitable automated rebalances, leaving only profitable rebalances. Monitor rebalance status by jet monitor --status
minCapacity Sets minimum capacity (in sats) for channels to be included in automated rebalancing. For example, "minCapacity": 500000 means that channels with capacity below or equal to 500000 sats will be excluded from automated rebalancing.
buffer Minimum rebalance buffer in sats, overrides default value of 250. Jet will warn when the delta between local and remote ppm for outbound and balanced peers is below the buffer.
disabled When set to true, the setting disables automated rebalancer. You can still rebalance manually via jet rebalance. Requires restart of the daddy service jet restart daddy followed by jet stop rebalancer.
exclude A list of nodes to exclude from auto rebalancing. In terms of terminology, rebalance A -> B means that liquidity is moving from the local side of channel [with peer] A to the local side of channel with B. "exclude": ["A:from", "B:to", "C:all"] ensures that A won't be rebalanced from, B won't be rebalanced into, and C won't participate in the rebalancing at all. p.s. previous "A:inbound" is equivalent to "A:from", and "B:outbound" is equivalent to "B:to".


  "avoid": [
  "macaroonPath": "/home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon",
  "tlsCertPath": "/home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/tls.cert",
  "debugMode": false,
  "telegramToken": "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11",
  "rebalancer": {
    "maxTime": 30,
    "maxPpm": 650,
    "maxAutoPpm": 500,
    "maxInstances": 10,
    "enforceMaxPpm": false,
    "exclude": [


Lightning Jet is a fully automated rebalancer for Lightning nodes. Jet optimizes channel liquidity allocation based on routing volume, missed routing opportunities (htlcs), and other variables.







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