This repository contains code to automatically give feedback for exercise submissions for the MADE course at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Grading code is tested and supposed to run with the latest Python LTS version (3.11 at the time of writing, check
Pip is used for dependency management.
Use venv to manage a virtual environment for the project. If it is not already installed, install it on your machine using pip: pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual env:
python -m virtualenv env
- Activate the virtual env:
source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies using pip (inside the virtual env):
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the automated grading, first activate the virtual env, then execute with an optional work directory as first argument.
source env/bin/activate
python <exerciseId>
To use the automated grading feedback in student repositories in MADE, use the GitHub Actions workflow inci/grading-feedback.yml
. It sets up a GitHub action with Python 11 and Jayvee and then executes ./
The workflow creates badges for the exercise score. You can add them to markdown files via this pattern:

- The SQLAlchemy version <2 in requirements.txt is by design, see