JyfColorCrafter 是一个高效快速的 JavaScript 库,用于颜色操作和转换。它允许多种输入形式,提供颜色转换和其他颜色实用函数。 它无需依赖任何其他库,具备跨平台及多浏览器兼容性,开箱即用,且未来将持续进行更新与优化。
JyfColorCrafter is a fast JavaScript library for color manipulation and conversion. It allows multiple input formats and provides color conversion and other color utility functions. It has no dependencies and is compatible with all browsers.
可以从 npm 安装:
can be installed from npm:
- npm install jyf-color-crafter
let JyfColorCrafter = require("jyf-color-crafter");
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
或者 or
import JyfColorCrafter from "jyf-color-crafter";
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
<script type='text/javascript' src='./jyf-color-crafter.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
JyfColorCrafter("rgb (255, 0, 0)");
JyfColorCrafter("rgb 255 0 0");
JyfColorCrafter("rgba (255, 0, 0, .5)");
JyfColorCrafter({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ r: 1, g: 0, b: 0 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ r: .5, g: .5, b: .5 });
JyfColorCrafter("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsla(0, 100%, 50%, .5)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsl 0 1.0 0.5");
JyfColorCrafter({ h: 0, s: 1, l: .5 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, l: 0 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, l: .5 });
JyfColorCrafter("hsv(0, 100%, 100%)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsva(0, 100%, 100%, .5)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsv (0 100% 100%)");
JyfColorCrafter("hsv 0 1 1");
JyfColorCrafter({ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, v: 0 });
JyfColorCrafter.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, v: .5 });
使用 CSS 规范中的颜色列表 list of colors in the CSS spec
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 }
Returns the format used to create the JyfColorCrafter instance
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.getFormat(); // "name"
color = JyfColorCrafter({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getFormat(); // "rgb"
Returns the input passed into the constructor used to create the JyfColorCrafter instance
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.getOriginalInput(); // "red"
color = JyfColorCrafter({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getOriginalInput(); // "{r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}"
Return a boolean indicating whether the color was successfully parsed. Note: if the color is not valid then it will act like black
when being used with other methods.
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color1.isValid(); // true
color1.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("not a color");
color2.isValid(); // false
color2.toString(); // "#000000"
Returns the perceived brightness of a color, from 0-255
, as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 1.0).
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("#fff");
color1.getBrightness(); // 255
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("#000");
color2.getBrightness(); // 0
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is light.
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("#fff");
color1.isLight(); // true
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("#000");
color2.isLight(); // false
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is dark.
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("#fff");
color1.isDark(); // false
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("#000");
color2.isDark(); // true
Returns the perceived luminance of a color, from 0-1
as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0).
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("#fff");
color1.getLuminance(); // 1
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("#000");
color2.getLuminance(); // 0
Returns the alpha value of a color, from 0-1
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)");
color1.getAlpha(); // 0.5
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.getAlpha(); // 1
let color3 = JyfColorCrafter("transparent");
color3.getAlpha(); // 0
Sets the alpha value on a current color. Accepted range is in between 0-1
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.getAlpha(); // 1
color.getAlpha(); // .5
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)"
The following methods will return a property for the alpha
value, which can be ignored: toHsv
, toHsl
, toRgb
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHsv(); // { h: 0, s: 1, v: 1, a: 1 }
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHsvString(); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
color.toHsvString(); // "hsva(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHsl(); // { h: 0, s: 1, l: 0.5, a: 1 }
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
color.toHslString(); // "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5)"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHex(); // "ff0000"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHex8(); // "ff0000ff"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toHex8String(); // "#ff0000ff"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toRgb(); // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toRgbString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toPercentageRgb() // { r: "100%", g: "0%", b: "0%", a: 1 }
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)"
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.5)"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toName(); // "red"
let color = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color.toFilter(); // "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffff0000,endColorstr=#ffff0000)"
Print to a string, depending on the input format. You can also override this by passing one of "rgb", "prgb", "hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "name", "hsl", "hsv"
into the function.
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("red");
color1.toString(); // "red"
color1.toString("hsv"); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
let color2 = JyfColorCrafter("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.toString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
These methods manipulate the current color, and return it for chaining. For instance:
JyfColorCrafter("red").lighten().desaturate().toHexString() // "#f53d3d"
lighten: function(amount = 10) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Lighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return white.
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").lighten().toString(); // "#ff3333"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").lighten(100).toString(); // "#ffffff"
brighten: function(amount = 10) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Brighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").brighten().toString(); // "#ff1919"
darken: function(amount = 10) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Darken the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return black.
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").darken().toString(); // "#cc0000"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").darken(100).toString(); // "#000000"
desaturate: function(amount = 10) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Desaturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will is the same as calling greyscale
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").desaturate().toString(); // "#f20d0d"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").desaturate(100).toString(); // "#808080"
saturate: function(amount = 10) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Saturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
JyfColorCrafter("hsl(0, 10%, 50%)").saturate().toString(); // "hsl(0, 20%, 50%)"
greyscale: function() -> JyfColorCrafter
. Completely desaturates a color into greyscale. Same as calling desaturate(100)
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").greyscale().toString(); // "#808080"
spin: function(amount = 0) -> JyfColorCrafter
. Spin the hue a given amount, from -360 to 360. Calling with 0, 360, or -360 will do nothing (since it sets the hue back to what it was before).
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").spin(180).toString(); // "#00ffff"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").spin(-90).toString(); // "#7f00ff"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").spin(90).toString(); // "#80ff00"
// spin(0) and spin(360) do nothing
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").spin(0).toString(); // "#ff0000"
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").spin(360).toString(); // "#ff0000"
Combination functions return an array of JyfColorCrafter objects unless otherwise noted.
analogous: function(, results = 6, slices = 30) -> array<JyfColorCrafter>
let colors = JyfColorCrafter("#f00").analogous();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ff0066", "#ff0033", "#ff0000", "#ff3300", "#ff6600" ]
monochromatic: function(, results = 6) -> array<JyfColorCrafter>
let colors = JyfColorCrafter("#f00").monochromatic();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#2a0000", "#550000", "#800000", "#aa0000", "#d40000" ]
splitcomplement: function() -> array<JyfColorCrafter>
let colors = JyfColorCrafter("#f00").splitcomplement();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ccff00", "#0066ff" ]
triad: function() -> array<JyfColorCrafter>
let colors = JyfColorCrafter("#f00").triad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff" ]
tetrad: function() -> array<JyfColorCrafter>
let colors = JyfColorCrafter("#f00").tetrad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#80ff00", "#00ffff", "#7f00ff" ]
complement: function() -> JyfColorCrafter
JyfColorCrafter("#f00").complement().toHexString(); // "#00ffff"
JyfColorCrafter.equals(color1, color2)
JyfColorCrafter.mix(color1, color2, amount = 50)
Returns a random color.
let color = JyfColorCrafter.random();
color.toRgb(); // "{r: 145, g: 40, b: 198, a: 1}"
JyfColorCrafter assesses readability based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0).
readability: function(JyfColorCrafter, JyfColorCrafter) -> Object
Returns the contrast ratio between two colors.
JyfColorCrafter.readability("#000", "#000"); // 1
JyfColorCrafter.readability("#000", "#111"); // 1.1121078324840545
JyfColorCrafter.readability("#000", "#fff"); // 21
Use the values in your own calculations, or use one of the convenience functions below.
isReadable: function(JyfColorCrafter, JyfColorCrafter, Object) -> Boolean
. Ensure that foreground and background color combinations meet WCAG guidelines. Object
is optional, defaulting to {level: "AA",size: "small"}
. level
can be "AA"
or "AAA" and size
can be "small"
or "large"
Here are links to read more about the AA and AAA requirements.
JyfColorCrafter.isReadable("#000", "#111", {}); // false
JyfColorCrafter.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"small"}); //false
JyfColorCrafter.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), //true
mostReadable: function(JyfColorCrafter, [JyfColorCrafter, JyfColorCrafter ...], Object) -> Boolean
Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background colors for that base, returns the most readable color.
If none of the colors in the list is readable, mostReadable
will return the better of black or white if includeFallbackColors:true
JyfColorCrafter.mostReadable("#000", ["#f00", "#0f0", "#00f"]).toHexString(); // "#00ff00"
JyfColorCrafter.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255"
JyfColorCrafter.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
JyfColorCrafter.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString() // "#2e0c3a",
JyfColorCrafter.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString() // "#000000",
clone: function() -> JyfColorCrafter
Instantiate a new JyfColorCrafter object with the same color. Any changes to the new one won't affect the old one.
let color1 = JyfColorCrafter("#F00");
let color2 = color1.clone();
color1.toString(); // "#ff0000"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"