An interactive aid for blind people using microsoft/visual-chatgpt
(Originally motivated as a potential Deep Hack submission)
The ultimate aim is to have a WiFi enabled camera mounted on a glass for visually impaired people, to give them
an idea what they could possibly see in their visual-field, and to provide an interactive interface on top
of it so that they could ask questions about what they’re being told lies in front of them.
# clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:justanotherlad/blindvisaidgpt.git
# Go to directory
cd blindvisaidgpt
# create a new environment
conda create -n visgpt python=3.8
# activate the new environment
conda activate visgpt
# prepare the basic environments
pip install -r requirements.txt
# prepare your private OpenAI key (for Linux)
export OPENAI_API_KEY={Your_Private_Openai_Key}
# prepare your private OpenAI key (for Windows)
set OPENAI_API_KEY={Your_Private_Openai_Key}
# Start blindvisaidgpt !
# You can specify the GPU/CPU assignment by "--load", the parameter indicates which
# Visual Foundation Model to use and where it will be loaded to
# The model and device are separated by underline '_', the different models are separated by comma ','
# The available Visual Foundation Models can be found in the following table
# For example, if you want to load ImageCaptioning to cpu and VisualQuestionAnswering to cuda:0
# You can use: "ImageCaptioning_cpu,VisualQuestionAnswering_cuda:0"
# Advice for CPU Users (current default)
python --load ImageCaptioning_cpu,VisualQuestionAnswering_cpu
# Advice for 1 Tesla T4 15GB (Google Colab) --(feature yet to be tried)
python --load "ImageCaptioning_cuda:0,VisualQuestionAnswering_cuda:0"
# Advice for 4 Tesla V100 32GB --(feature yet to be tried)
python --load "ImageCaptioning_cuda:0,ImageEditing_cuda:0,