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Skin GUI Dialogs

jurialmunkey edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 9 revisions

Standard Dialogs

🔖 v1.1.25+

SkinVariables provides access to several standard Kodi GUI dialogs such as DialogSelect, DialogConfirm, DialogTextViewer


Replace DIALOG with the type of dialog. Options should be comma separated after DIALOG in RunScript command

Name Window Options
ok DialogConfirm.xml heading=string message=string load_file
yesno DialogConfirm.xml heading=string message=string nolabel=string yeslabel=string autoclose=integer defaultbutton=integer load_file
yesnocustom DialogConfirm.xml heading=string message=string nolabel=string yeslabel=string customlabel=string autoclose=integer defaultbutton=integer load_file
textviewer DialogTextViewer.xml heading=string text=string load_file
notification DialogNotification.xml heading=string message=string icon=string time=integer sound=true/false
numeric DialogNumeric.xml heading=string defaultt=string type=integer bHiddenInput=true/false
input DialogKeyboard.xml heading=string defaultt=string type=integer option=integer autoclose=integer
browse FileBrowser.xml heading=string shares=string mask=string defaultt=string type=integer useThumbs=true/false treatAsFolder=true/false enableMultiple=true/false
colorpicker DialogColorPicker.xml heading=string selectedcolor=string colorfile=string
contextmenu DialogContextMenu.xml list=item00 / item01 / item02 etc. separator=' / '
select DialogSelect.xml heading=string list=item00 / item01 / item02 etc. separator=' / ' autoclose=integer preselect=integer
multiselect DialogSelect.xml heading=string options=item00 / item01 / item02 etc. separator=' / ' autoclose=integer preselect=integer

📝 Values for timers such as time or autoclose are in milliseconds

📚 The load_file param allows loading a text file as message/text

💡 Example: Load skin LICENSE.txt in textviewer:


Executebuiltin Using Selected Value

You may wish to run a Kodi builtin on a successful selection from a dialog. To do so, use the "executebuiltin=Builtin()" param. The value returned by a list or confirmation dialog can be substituted by adding {v} for the value or `{x} for the index.

💡 Example: Select a genre from ListItem.Genre using DialogSelect and write selected value to a window property


🔖 v2.1.16+ Multiple selections now possible in multiselect dialog. The actions will be performed sequentially.

Specific Executebuiltin Actions per Choice

You may also wish to define specific actions per selection. To do so, use the executebuiltin_x= where "x" is the number of the index of the choice

💡 Example: Select a choice from a list and either set a string to the value or clear it

RunScript(script.skinvariables,run_dialog=select,list=Always / Never / Clear,"executebuiltin_2=Skin.Reset(Choice)","executebuiltin=Skin.SetString(Choice,{v})")

📚 Executebuiltin commands can be chained with double pipe ||

RunScript(script.skinvariables,run_dialog=select,list=Always / Never / Clear,"executebuiltin_2=Skin.Reset(Choice)||Notification(Cleared,Reset Choice)","executebuiltin=Skin.SetString(Choice,{v})||Notification(Set,Choice {v})")

Progress Dialogs


Opens DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml if the background param is specified. Otherwise opens DialogConfirm.xml with progressbar.

Optional Params

Param Description
heading=text The text to display as the Dialog heading
message=text The text to display as the Dialog default message
message_info=infolabel The infolabel to use as the displayed message when the progress bar updates. For instance message_info=Window(home).Property(DialogProgressMessage) will allow the skin to update the displayed message using SetProperty(DialogProgressMessage,text,home)
progress_info=infolabel The infolabel to retrieve the progress percentage value (0-100). If not specified, the value increments each poll cycle.
max_value=integer Default is 100 The value at which the dialog will close. Progress is displayed as a percentage where progress_info/max_value*100
timeout=integer Default is 200 The number of polling cycles before the dialog closes if max_value has not been reached
polling=float Default is 0.1 How many seconds to wait between each polling cycle.
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