A Base lightning component for Wizard using LDS

once you install it into your org. open LightingWizardProcessTestApp in the developer console, and click on preview button to see the component.
Attributes: steps -- the string array to define multiple steps
Events: newStepEvent -- move the steps in Wizard, cancelEvent -- event emitted when wizard being cancelled, finishEvent -- event emitted when wizard being finished,
Usage: using four steps as the example( see more in LightingWizardProcessTestApp in the repo)
<c:LightningWizardProcess aura:id="wizardProcess"
steps="Step1, Step2, Step3, Step4"
<div class="slds-hide">
Step 1 content
<!--replace it with the your page content or another components-->
<div class="slds-hide">
Step 2 content
<!--replace it with the your page content or another components-->
<div class="slds-hide">
Step 3 content
<!--replace it with the your page content or another components-->
<div class="slds-hide">
Step 4 content
<!--replace it with the your page content or another components-->